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Kevin PTD is out?

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I think they'd sell just as many if they were a mystery. They won't sell 300 in a few hours like they did today, but they won't have Skippy or Daisy sitting there for 2 weeks so it'll balance out.
Maybe they should make then LE 1000 (or so)... keep them for... lets say two weeks, and when the two weeks are over put them on the rack and sell them separately without the ice cream (or as a substitution of the current PTD..) So, every two weeks there would be a new character- If it sells out within the first day then for the rest of the two weeks they offer an open edition PTD with Mickey and Minnie drinking the shake. (Cut out, not like the logo one they have currently) OR you will have a choice of a PAST LE pin trader delight pin that is currently on the sales rack... Ex: the current pin is mickey, but last weeks was stitch. I want stitch instead, so I tell them that and they replace my mickey with stitch.
I would love a mystery with the pins in black poly bags. It might actually get me to buy more. There are times I don't get the ice cream because I don't like the pin but Im always up for a mystery. Also, I have been trying to get them to do a random mystery box set. I think it would be fun.

I think given DSF's popularity, I would up the edition size to LE 500. That's just enough more that it would give a good chunk of people a chance at the more popular characters. I really think at this point on the popular pins, Pascal, Rapunzel, Kevin, Jessica... this is necessary. For the most part, they ARE surprise release save for their posts on FB. Most people find out about these PTD releases via eBay and here. Also, given how fast they've blown through these as of late, they may begin limiting it to one per person or even perhaps one per week. I dunno, I just cannot fore see even an LE 500 Jessica PTD that looks nice sitting there for longer than a week.
If they decide to go mystery, would they also up the per day count from 2 to 4?

Interesting thoughts about rotating the pins on a timed basis. I think it might hang up the line, if there are a lot of indecisive people though. I suppose they could make it a game of chance. Spin the wheel or roll the dice and get the resultant number on the pegboard.
See I think if they did mystery pins they should throw ALLLLLL of the ones available in the box. Not just one.

Punzel, Kevin Daisy, Stitch, you never know! Hell make them all LE 100, but mix them up!
See I think if they did mystery pins they should throw ALLLLLL of the ones available in the box. Not just one.

Punzel, Kevin Daisy, Stitch, you never know! Hell make them all LE 100, but mix them up!

That would be a good way to do it. Keep it 2 per person per day. Make them like the Hidden Mickey pouches with the piece of cardboard so people can't feel for the pin they want.
I think they'd sell just as many if they were a mystery. They won't sell 300 in a few hours like they did today, but they won't have Skippy or Daisy sitting there for 2 weeks so it'll balance out.

See this is part of the problem. Up until the Carl/Jessica releases last February, based on the dates on these pins on Pinpics, they would last for about a month. From DSF's perspective, two weeks is probably right where it should be. But pin people get antsy, and suddenly if it's longer than about 2 days, people think it's terrible!

But the mystery bags is actually a really good idea. Promotes trading, promotes regular, but not too regular visits to the store. Maybe coincide it with watching a movie to make the trip worth it. These are good things from DSF's perspective.
i just got home from DSF it was so great seeing you guys and having dinner with you all i only wish i could have seen you all. i got my two one for me and one zap for Dan he was happy lol
I heard about the zap, Ozzie. Thanks for that. I know Dan was helping my wife and they weren't able to get down there in time. That was totally awesome and greatly appreciated.
I heard about the zap, Ozzie. Thanks for that. I know Dan was helping my wife and they weren't able to get down there in time. That was totally awesome and greatly appreciated.

oh i am more than happy to help dan with anything he has just been amazing with me since i started hardcore pin trading back in 2008, he helped me get grails and in all honestly my collection would be nothing if it was not for this kind man, he is my pin hero
I know this is a late reply, after my first post. Took me forever to read all of this, but was a lot of fun.

Personally, I don't think the sellers on ebay are charging enough for the Kevin PTD. Before you all grab the flame throwers, hear me out. I live in FL, near WDW, so I know what it's like to drive to get a pin. BUT, we don't have traffic like CA. NOTHING like it, the rest of you, who don't live in CA or NYC, have no idea, unless you've been to the Hollywood, LA areas. I think the whiners complaining about prices, ect, should have to spend their money and time driving in that Hollywood traffic. We just did that drive 3 weeks ago (and there was no hot PTD pin out..just Timothy). The traffic, in general was still horrible, in my FL opinion. I thought, these pin traders who jump in their cars and 'run' down to DSF, at a moments notice, are insane (in the nicest, most sincere way).

So when the next PTD pin comes out, think before you whine. It's their pin, they did the work, spent the money, they can do with it whatever they please. Personally, I'd charge $200 + for any hot pin, such as Kevin. You couldn't pay me to deal with that traffic and tourist crowds!!


LA traffic from 3-4 is the WORST! I was almost late to class... lol.
I like the idea of mystery bags. 5 le500 pins in a box, so 2500 pins. You don't get to pick. So you have to trade for the others or come back another day for more. But get one good one, like Walle or Vanellopee and once word is out, see how fast those 2500 go. At least it makes it somewhat of a chance over multiple days, not everyone rush before its gone. More a, l try again next time I come sort of thing.

I think this sounds like a nice idea in theory... but people would STILL flock to DSF and buy, buy, buy in an effort to get the rarer pins (Vanellope/Wall-E/Merida/Rapunzel). The Princess Carousel mystery boxes are evidence of this (which there was rumored to be around 1500 boxes at DLR alone). Apparently people did camp out for these. Granted most of the people knew that Rapunzel and Merida were with Cindy and Aurora but even if they had not, I'm pretty sure people would've went buy crazy. Also see case in point - the Pixar mystery boxes.
I heard about the zap, Ozzie. Thanks for that. I know Dan was helping my wife and they weren't able to get down there in time. That was totally awesome and greatly appreciated.

Two things:

First, I'm new and have no idea what 'Zap' means and it wasn't on the DizPins terminology list.

Second, regarding DSF PTDs, I was fortunate enough to snag a Kevin pin (yay!) and, being new to the game, I have to say that it was such a rush to hustle out the the store. It was really fun for me (perhaps that'll go away after the 10th time? idk). However, I do sympathize with those who don't live as close to the DSF and don't have the same opportunity as I do. As for the re-sell prices on e***, I think it's all relative. I saw the last few PTDs go for $25 which isn't unheard of considering the seller probably had to leave work, drive to the DSF, and wait in line..among other obstacles. So the profit they make is nothing more than a very appropriate finder's fee. Granted there will always be the 'must have' characters (like Kevin) that'll go for a higher price, that'll happen from time to time. Many folks are saying they should increase the LE size (which may work), another option, perhaps, is for them to make less-desirable characters...but i dont think any of us want that.

All in all, everyone here has made very valid points, I'm just happy to have found this new hobby and be apart of it.
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