Having read through a lot of this thread, I just wanted to chime in on one point that might be of interest.
I've seen quite a few of the Frozen collector's edition dolls up close, and can confirm that the snow queen Elsa does often have an issue with the eyelashes on her left eye. Upon a really close inspect of a few, it seems like someone assembling the Elsa dolls initially glued her left eyelashes on too high, then repositioned them lower (too low!). Quite a few of the Elsas I've seen up close have a little bit of grey/white marking on their left eyeshadow (from where glue was added and then removed) and a visible white line above their eyelashes, where the eye white is present. In well-lit conditions, the white line is particularly noticeable and can be a bit depressing for an owner to discover, "omg Elsa has hair stuck to her eyeball!" T.T
For people brave enough to take this step, this defect in some Elsas is easily remedied by carefully applying a thin coat of black acrylic over the eyeshadow damage and across the visible eye white (avoiding the eyelashes, the eye below the eyelash line, the purple eyeshadow above the thick black eyeshadow and any loose hair threads). After painting, is you're really fussy you can add a further thin coat of gloss varnish to the eyeshadow, since black paint will usually dry with a matt finish and this will clash with the right side black eyeshadow, which is glossy.
The only other common defect I've noticed is very minor - the inner box frequently has several imperfections such as the folded in paper triangles coming loose, the paper backdrop being a bit crumpled against the card backing (due to bad glueing), the transparent plastic having some extra/unwanted white paint marks and the sides of the inner box being lightly creased at key stress points (i.e. the sides, since the large cut out section doesn't leave much card left to withstand any pressure or handling).
Some dolls also have a couple of jewels missing from clothing (barely noticeable unless you have a selection to check against) and of course the hairstyle is different on every single one. I've seen a couple of unopened ice queen Elsas with "shock-wig hair" all over the place, some coronation Elsas with crazy long bangs making her look truly emo and shy, and don't get me started on how every single coronation Anna has her blonde hair streak in a different position, some of which are completely invisible since they've been hidden behind/under the rest of her hair unless you take her out of her box.
The Elsa left eyelash issue is the only one that has really bothered me though, hence the comment above. For all other defects, it's just a case of each numbered doll being unique and having her own "personality"
p.s. No, I'm not a meanie who has hoarded like a million of the Frozen collector's dolls. I've *seen* a fair number (and repaired a couple), but I only own one of each and have no plans to sell them