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At least an RSP gives some of us a chance at the pins. The way things are going now there is no chance at all.

The only reason you have no chance is because you are unwilling to do what it takes. I do not know you personally, maybe its not unwilling, but unable, I do not know as I do not know you. The point is if you will not go and campout when necessary you are the only person giving you no chance at these pins. I too once said I would never campout for pins, but no it's been three times, ever since i missed out on the Avengers set. I said whatever it takes to get the pins I want I will do it. Plus I am not doing this just for myself, I do help out other people who have no way to get there no matter what kind of release they do.
while I like theidea of random select start of line s described above...
>>devils advocate<<
150 wrist bands is typical of dsf right?
If you showed us right on time and picked wrist band #7, but the random select process made #10 the start, you would be rather upset, because youi showed up on time and now are basically last in line.

The basic idea behind the randomization, either at wristband handout or at time of lineup, is to prevent the need to be there to be first in line. It would only matter that you get one of the 150 bands available, since it would be random where you end up in line.

While not perfect, the main objective appears to be to prevent lines during business hours. Once you have your place in line secured, DSF can ask you to come back later for the after business hours lineup.

There will still undoubtedly be a line for the wristbands, but it would only last for the duration of the line and would theoretically disperse.

The key is that it needs to be known that your place in line will be completely randomized.
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I love RSP. I've been to several merchandise events at Disneyland in the past and while I didn't always win what I wanted, I got a good share of it and didn't have to wait in any line. It's completely civilized and satisfying. I wish they'd look at doing this.
The only problem I have with the randomization process is that I do not live close to DSF - in fact it is minimum 1 hour - but it has taken me as long as 2 hours before - all depending on traffic . . . . Plus for these releases - on fridays I have to take the day off work in order to go a week in advance. So with those factors- I would hate to drive all the way out there and take time off work to "chance" that it was all for nothing.
I can see where both sides are coming from. I don't live anywhere near ANY of the parks or DSF, but I would think the camping out would be the most fair. For me, I wish it was the randomization process though. It would probably make the pins much cheaper for me to buy!!!
The only problem I have with the randomization process is that I do not live close to DSF - in fact it is minimum 1 hour - but it has taken me as long as 2 hours before - all depending on traffic . . . . Plus for these releases - on fridays I have to take the day off work in order to go a week in advance. So with those factors- I would hate to drive all the way out there and take time off work to "chance" that it was all for nothing.

Perhaps I haven't made the wristband distribution idea exactly clear, but I'm not proposing the distribution only occurs on the day of the event. I'm proposing that they make them available some hours or days prior to release. Let's say no more than 36 hours prior to the release. So that you would have a spot in line guaranteed and would merely need to be present at a predetermined time prior to the release. If you are willing to go and pick up a wristband early, then you have a spot in line.

Just suggesting compromises to satisfy DSF's alleged desire to stop the line during business hours. :)
caligirlUCR said:
They really do spoil us! Out of anywhere that we buy pins - I really do always feel appreciated at DSF by the little extra things they do for us! :0)

Ed, Patty (Patricia), Nelson and the staff get to know the regulars on first name basis. Its nice to have a business say when I go there alone for a pin, "wheres my family" and calls them by name.
Perhaps I haven't made the wristband distribution idea exactly clear, but I'm not proposing the distribution only occurs on the day of the event. I'm proposing that they make them available some hours or days prior to release. Let's say no more than 36 hours prior to the release. So that you would have a spot in line guaranteed and would merely need to be present at a predetermined time prior to the release. If you are willing to go and pick up a wristband early, then you have a spot in line.

Just suggesting compromises to satisfy DSF's alleged desire to stop the line during business hours. :)

That would require me driving there twice in one week. . . . which again is pretty far. Then to to pay for parking and gas not once but twice. I would rather just stay the night and play pin battleship. lol . . .

I know this was to help out DSF during business hours but I think it would make it a lot harder for some people to go - The people with jobs other than pins for profit!
Let's not forget the donuts that a couple of the early morning arrivals brought with then. Mad_for_Alice (Brenna) personally went up and down the line with the yummy looking box that she and James brought. Another box was passed down the line. How nice was that! Ed was even out with a pot of hot chocolate going down the line. The staff at DSF really do got all out for their pin releases and trading events - and those overnight hours go fast!
That would require me driving there twice in one week. . . . which again is pretty far. Then to to pay for parking and gas not once but twice. I would rather just stay the night and play pin battleship. lol . . .

I know this was to help out DSF during business hours but I think it would make it a lot harder for some people to go - The people with jobs other than pins for profit!

I'm in the same boat, with having a job and can't justify staying down there all day long and not being too keen on the idea of making double trips, double parking fees, and having to feed myself multiple take out meals. I would rather spend the night too.

It just looks like DSF is looking to kill the lines during the day, but have no issues with the camping as long as that line forms after a predetermined time. The wristbands would merely be used as a place holder in line, during the day, and you could come back in the evening. Pretty much the same thing as staying in line at DSF, with the only complication being what to do if you arrive hours and hours prior to the official camp out line.

Perhaps it would be better to drop randomization and hand out the numbered wristbands in order? Those who are willing to wander the streets of Hollywood for an entire morning through evening probably deserve to be first in line. Randomization was only an idea to keep people from arriving so early, as it would not guarantee a spot in the front of the line. But it seems that some, probably rightfully feel, that is not how to reward being willing to sacrifice an entire day to acquire pins.
I really wish there was a "good" way to do ths. It just seems like any system is going to have cons. I do know that the way we did it on friday is not that great as there was an incident with a guy and a woman across the alley from us. As it started getting closer to the "official" time some people seemed to get a little too anxious. And all of us in the parking lot were - well, in the way of the parking lot. I loved the way the Brave release event worked - its just too bad the alley isn't just a bit bigger so that we wouldn't have been in the way.
Why not use the theater overnight? Im sure there are more than 150 seats in there to sit people "camping out" and im sure they can use ropes to seal a queue (The famous serpentine queue).
Too bad there isn't a DSF club, with unique membership numbers, where they could do a sweepstakes type event like DLR is doing for Passholder events. Then you sign up online for a chance to win. But there are a number of people who are not in favor of that method either.

Unless someone can think of something better than randomized wristbands, there doesn't appear to be anything on the table that will stop the lineups :dunno:
Why not use the theater overnight? Im sure there are more than 150 seats in there to sit people "camping out" and im sure they can use ropes to seal a queue (The famous serpentine queue).

DSF apparently doesn't have an issue with the overnight camping, after a certain hour. There appears to be an issue with the lines during the day, which is when they use the theater, so opening the theater to campers is probably not something they are willing to do.
DSF apparently doesn't have an issue with the overnight camping, after a certain hour. There appears to be an issue with the lines during the day, which is when they use the theater, so opening the theater to campers is probably not something they are willing to do.

Just an Idea. I read that people were in the way. :P
Well, if they let people get a wristband and then come back in the morning it would solve the issue for those like me unwilling to stay the night. And for those that want to stay, you guys can do that too. So that is good for everyone. As for the wristband distribution process. All of the ideas so far seem really good and fair for all involved. Maybe someone should suggest it?

Guess we will see how it goes at the next event.
I agree with the DSF regulars ( you all know who you are :). ). I love the camping out. I love the "vibe " the fun, the visiting with my pin friends , the games and especially Goofy Moes silliness. To my family it's way more than just camping out to get pins or selling them for profit( as some in this thread have implied we all do). We do not have a lot of family and to my children a lot of these pin traders are like grammas and grandpas or aunts and uncles .... Donna and frank and sandy David and April And silly uncles ....goofy Moe and cousins Amy and Crystal and bob and Cat erica and joy and EJ and Justin and Sebby. (sorry if I forgot anyone ) So we will do what it takes, driving 700 miles roundtrip, investing time and money and camping out for 12 or 48 hours. Whatever it takes and IF DSF takes the pin events away as some say they will the pins will be the least of what I will miss. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to get to know us and been so kind to my kids. See you @ the Cinderella release

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