DSF/DSSH Live from Hollywood - Baseball season is upon us

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DSF/DSSH Live from Hollywood - Baseball season is upon us
Congrats to all who got a set of pins today. YIPPEE! great....GREAT surprise pin!

If anyone has an extra CHESHIRE CAT pin available to sale/trade....I AM VERY INTERESTED :) - please send me a pm.

So, they gave out the w/b's and the voucher's at the same time, hmm...another tweak to the process?

I look forward to seeing what the Up pin looks like in person!
I'm about to drive past Hollywood in an hour, is there any point checking if there's any pins left?

I would if I were you, it can't hurt. I mean, considering it was 1pp for Russel and he was LE400, the 150 in the line left another 250 at DSF so there's a good chance a few are left. I'm just relieved that the surprise pin isn't something from WiR, I honestly wasn't expecting a surprise pin this release to tell you the truth :)

Anyone know if there are any pins left? Jessica or Russells mainly ^_^
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I would definaterly stop by. with the surprise being le400 and 1pp it should last a little while.

Also, lots of folks who were there were not getting 2 full sets. **I only bought 1 set for instance**

I think they did the wristbands and vounchers at once because it was under 150. Security was doing a body count not long before they started the hand out. I think the wrist bands are just a way to make sure the same person who was in line, is the one with the voucher later. For over 150, it is safe to assume they will do wristbands first, in order to get a firm head count.
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According to a friend of mine who was just there, Jessica is sold out, but the rest (including Russell) are still available.
Not that Russel is the brightest kid anyway, but looking at this pin, the word "Derp" comes to mind.
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Which ones are still left? I might be interested in 1 if I can get my hands on them, I was considering Stitch, Jessica, or Russell. I know Jessica is sold out and I'm sure Russell is too.
The only ones left as of yesterday were Cheshire and Chip n Dale.

lol of course the 2 I'm not interested. That's fine though ^_^ I wasn't dead set on getting the 3 anyways :) I know it might be a bit premature to ask, but when do you guys think the August flyer will surface? Half way through the month like it used to be, or is DSF gonna make us wait until the first week of August to know...
lol of course the 2 I'm not interested. That's fine though ^_^ I wasn't dead set on getting the 3 anyways :) I know it might be a bit premature to ask, but when do you guys think the August flyer will surface? Half way through the month like it used to be, or is DSF gonna make us wait until the first week of August to know...

I'm guessing the first week of August, especially if they don't have any pin releases planned for that first weekend in August (since the event is the last week of July)
I'm guessing the first week of August, especially if they don't have any pin releases planned for that first weekend in August (since the event is the last week of July)

Not sure if this is connected but while I was reserving my seating for Planes, I was offered a opportunity to "reserve" LE 300 pins. Not sure if that is an indicator for that day but I bought two seats just in case.
Not to burst anyone's bubble, but I'm actually hoping this set is not too popular. I collect all baseball pins and cannot afford the high prices they are going for. Lol

I can tell everyone had a great time!

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