Lost my favourite pin at WDW :(

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Lost my favourite pin at WDW :(


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Hey guys. I've just returned from two weeks at WDW. I bought a grand total of 6 pins. I had a low pin budget and was sticking to it. Sadly my favourite Simba pin fell off my top one day in the resort and I had already spent my pin budget so couldn't purchase a new one as I had to be strict with my budget this trip. I am so sad but it was my fav Simba pin (even tho it's common) as it goes with the lovely Nala pin Fireheadfred zapped me some time ago.

Have you ever lost a pin in the parks and been unable to replace it? It's silly but I feel really sad about it.
I'm so sorry you lost your pin last year at down town disney I lost my whole lanyard full of pins as I was going into disney quest so I put the lanyard in my pocket that buttoned up and my pocket had a hole in it and they must of fell out I tried lost and found at the bus and transportation centre to see if a lovely person handed it in and but no such luck but mine only had my traders on I would never take my best pin to Wdw as I would be so worried about losing it I hope you get to find another one
Last week my little Jasmine decided to jump off my lanyard, and I heard the faintest ping on the ground, but I did not think it was a pin falling! A really nice cast member saw it fall and alerted me! That was my close call! I haven't lost one yet.
It's the floppy ear one. I know it's all over the place at the parks but I'd reached my pin budget. I just loved how he looked along side Nala. :(

Elysandrra what an awesome cast member!
Before I joined the forum, actually, I think I was about 8 years old or some age around that, I had a hidden Mickey on my lanyard that I really liked. I believe it was one of the three from the small tiki heads set. Anyway, I lost it in downtown Disney and it was one of my favorites, and I cried for days. We had checked the entire World of Disney store and slo lost and found but never came across it. on the last day of our trip I found another one on a cast lanyard so I was very happy :lol: Now that I look back on that memory, I realize that the pin was probably a fake, but I have a real one now :lol: Collecting was so much simpler back when I didn't know what a scrapper was...

I have lost quite a few pins in my many 15 years of life, but I best remember losing that one. :)

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I would love to buy you a replacement if anyone can pick it up for you. Just let me know and I will Paypal immediately. Losing pins sucks.
I was riding Pirates of the Caribbean with my park trader lanyard on (full of my cheapest OE pins) and just about the leave the boat when I felt something fall on my foot. I almost ignored it but glanced down and a pin had fallen off!! It was my little hula Lilo so I grabbed her and put her back on, close call.

I had checked all those backs for snugness and still it fell, so I no longer trust Mickey backs. I bought locking pin backs , but when I tug on them some of those fall off!! Gah! :/ I wanted to wear my Frozen Sorcerer hats but now I don't trust it. Even with 2 pin posts (those are the only I would dare wear on a lanyard anymore so there is a back up post unless they''re my park traders) I'm terrified one will fall off, with my luck Elsa!! O.O I made a lanyard and everything and now I fear it will never see the light of day :(

Back on topic, I am very sorry for your pin loss though. That is a lovely offer from Molly.
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