Lost pin :(
Makes you wonder...increased rates but lousier service! The blue regulation postal box where I live is being removed Feb 28. So they want to increase stamp cost but take away the box to drop the mail???!!!
Hate to rain on your parade, but one of the reasons those traditional blue postal drop boxes are going away is mail theft. Too many of the older boxes have fallen victim to a pair of cutters or just a pry bar to "pop" them open. Even the newer reinforced boxes are falling prey to determined "desperate" thieves who are after ID data more than checks these days. To defend against this trend, the Post Office has been removing the boxes and encouraging people to drop mail off at actual post offices, preferably inside the post office.
maybe it will show up some day. At xmas time we had a order on the way and the UPS gave the box to USPO to drop off. Not sure whats up with that but I was told they work together on some stuff now. Well the USPO said the delivered the box and what day it was. The only trouble is I was home all day and even got a fedex box around the time USPO said they dropped off.
I called a few times and made a big fuss only to be told they would look into it and maybe get me a refund. Well almost a month later the box they were so sure they had already dropped to me showed up at my door. It had to have been lost and no one wanted to admit it.
Hang in there and wish for the best. Good luck.