More pins from December.
I was able to trade a bunch of OE and some LR pins to get that Infinity War marquee that I’ve wanted ever since it was released. Happy to find a couple new Maleficents, Kristoff, Flynn, and some Jacks.
I’m not sure why the TROS Kylo Ren was so hard to find, and it was the last one in the set I needed. I was excited to find the Mandalorian set too. I originally ordered it but never got it, and Amazon sold out. I was zapped the Stormtrooper riding an AT-AT when I bought the gingerbreads so that was a nice surprise.
These DLP pride pins finally came out, and I love the bolo. Thanks to those who did pick-ups. I went to Disneyland, ate great food and drinks at Festival of Holidays, and couldn’t pick just 1 pin to commemorate.
I bought the Sorcerer Mickey pin, and Pulse gave Stitch and Angel free as part of their December promotion. Almost done with the Mickey Main Attractions. I’m a sucker for Disney Christmas gift cards.
I have 3 of these and wanted the other 3, so what does my mind say? Ooh Vader on a Christmas themed box…must get! So I’ll need to find those singles and put them up for trade,