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As the lights come on, Abu finds himself perched on top of Mike's head. Hopping down immediately, Abu is quite embarassed and mumbles a quick apology before scampering off after Louie. Abu also bursts through the door but instead of stopping he bounces off Louie's backside as he himself stopped rather abruptly. Since Louie is in the way of Abu's line of vision, he misses everything Louie sees.
*King Louie feels a bump from behind, but all those banana splits have added enough padding that it doesn't bother him at all. The lights com on as the attraction has been cleared. Louie ensures the detectives that it is fairly safe to search the area.*

"Ok everyone, spread out and search the area. As long as you don't get too close to that Dino's mouth you should be fine. There is a hidden barrier there that keeps him away from guests."

OOC*A New Minimumpost count starts here. 4 in 48 hours lease. I have sent a cluefor eeyores ghost to reveal. If it's not revealed then I will use my backup lan. In addition I will send out an extra clue to someone in the morning my time. Also a NEWtrivia chance will come within the next 12 hours.
As King Louie stops suddenly at the dino eating a donkey who is possibly eyeore, Tink is right behind him. Tink tries to pull out her wand for some light but as soon as she does so the lights go back on. Once the attraction is shut down and cleared tink flies around looking for clues.
Figment starts to search around the attraction being careful to avoid the mouth.

"I hope that wasn't eeyore but I think it was. We need to find some more clues.
Archimedes follows the Chief over to where there has been a possible Eeyore siting. He finds a resting place in some tall shrubbery and is curious as to what antics will be had by the detectives on this scene. Meanwhile, he keeps his bird eye view o the surrounding area.
Eeyore Ghost: "When the lights went out after the loudspeaker announcement, I was already frightened, but then I was grabbed from behind! I panicked and tried to fight back, but I couldn't get away, and whoever it was dragged me to the Dinosaur attraction. She threw me right into the dinosaur's open mouth!!! Right before the first bite, aka my fateful end, i saw the color light blue..."
Light blue, light blue. Figment ponders what eeyore saw before he met his grizzly end.
"Lots of females are linked with light blue."
Aurora is sad to see her friend as a ghost and vows that she will see this murderer brought to justice. She starts to think about the new clue light blue. Hmmmmm so many things could be light blue. Aurora writes the new clue in her notebook and begins to look for clues.
*Chief Louie begins to look around for clues like everyone else. He is contemplating what eeyore's ghost has revealed to the group.*

"Hmmm--LIGHT BLUE...Hmmm." *he goes back to looking for clues. He notices chunks of Eeyore on the floor near the Carnosaurs feet and feels himself getting nauseus again. Somehow he controls it as he doesn't want to add anything to the crime scene. Suddenly he spots something on the muddy floor.* " I think I found something over here. It's pawprints and definitely not Kiaras, they are too big for a lion cub. I will get a cast of them. keep looking around I have a feeling that this crime scene is going to reveal more. "

OOC*Here is a TRIVIA question for you--I hope I word it right. What SPECIES of animal was the first to give birth to an offspring within the Animal Kingdom park?

OOC2* I am sending out one more clue to be found at this scene so please check your PM boxes.
Carpet finally catches up with Abu just as Abu is bouncing off Louie's rump. Carpet shakes a bit in mirth and helps Abu to his feet. Abu hops on Carpet and directs him to the large Carnotaur that Louie spotted gobbling something. As they reach the Carnotaur, Abu has Carpet go up near it's head so he can try and see if he spots anything.
Pascal continues to search around the area were eeyore meet his fate. Mike is also looking for clues while pluto is throughly sniffing the area. All are careful not not step in the foot prints this time. pascal jumps on Mike to get him to translate to everone to keep searching the area!
OOC*The answer to your question is NO. Information for ROOKIES--when answering this kind of question my answer is based on when the character first appeared in relation to Disney, not necessarily when they first appeared. For example Alice first appeared in books in 1865, but in a Disney movie in 1951...so I would use the 1951 as a base for my answer, Not the 1865 date. Just wanted to clear that up and this is just an example.
Aurora hears Louie call out that he has found footprints and she carefully goes over to them and studies them for a bit. She takes a few pictures of the prints before Loie starts taking his cast. Aurora writes a few notes in her notebook and then tries to determine what exit the killer would have used after she threw Eeyore to the dinosaurs. Maybe the killer left more clues while trying to escape.
*Chessie hovers over the crime scene, trying to see everything while remaining out of the way. Chessie nods, making note of what Eeyore's ghost is telling them, when King Louie announces that he found footprints, but they're too big to be Kiara's. Chessie disappears and reappears over near King Louie, as he wants to take a closer look at the footprints.*
Basil makes notations in his journal about the most recent circumstances, then surveys the area with the footprints. Since the other detectives seem to be diligently working the prints, he begins to look for other clues.
*Chessie hovers over the footprints, careful not to disturb them. King Louie is right; they definitely are too large to belong to Kiara ... but the question of who they belong to becomes rather important.*

Chessie (to nobody in particular, not really expecting an answer): 'Does anyone feel like we're just footstepping around something important?'

*Because he wasn't expecting an answer, the Cat doesn't wait for one. He just re-focuses on the footprints, returning to his initial train of thought.*

Chessie (to nobody in particular, but this time possibly expecting a response): 'Does it seem more likely that these footprints belong to the killer or her next victim or just something that happened to be here and now is gone?'
OOC* I have been trying to spread around clues/info to everyone this game to reveal. Pascal currently has some info we are waiting on, but if you haven'T been given anything to help with this game can you raise your hand, paw, wing in an OOC comment.