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ZAPPED! Mistaken Identity

ZAPPED! Mistaken Identity


Figaro Fan
Rating - 100%
175   0   0
Southern California
Hi guys!

Okay, so earlier today, I posted the following note on the "What did you receive in the DPF Secret Santa Exchange 2012?" thread...

(continued below)


Wow, okay, I think I'm first!

I'm actually not 100% sure if this is my Secret Santa gift, or just an extremely generous anonymous zap... but I'm guessing it's my Secret Santa!

I would have tried to be a good girl and saved the opening of this package for the first night of Hanukkah next week, but I'm expecting a lot of pins in the mail right now, and I had no idea my Secret Santa gift would come so quickly...

These pins came wrapped up (again and again and again, in all sorts of pretty, colorful duct tape!), in an envelope within another envelope (how mysterious!), with no letter or note inside.


Aren't they adorable?
My Secret Santa sure knows what I like!

I especially love the Tinker Bell birthstone pin - so pretty!

There IS a name and address on the return envelope - K. Michelini from Cahone, CO - but I have no idea who that is on the forum!

Can anyone clue me in? I'd love to send them a personal thank you. :bigthumb:



It didn't take long after I posted this before somebody sent me a PM revealing the real identity of "K. Michelini" - Catz! (Thank you for clueing me in, zoelovespins!)

So of course, I immediately send Catz a thank you note - letting them know how much I appreciated the Secret Santa gift, and how much thought and effort I knew went into it. And they reply to tell me... "What? That wasn't your Secret Santa gift. That was just your Pin It Forward!"

Wait... What?!

So, false alarm, people! Turns out I am not the first Secret Santa recipient of 2012.

I am just the proud recipient of the MOST GENEROUS Pin It Forward ever!

Thank you, Catz!

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lol. Always fun to get an exciting package!!

I did the same thing today. I got an envelope of a size I was not expecting. My first reaction was, "Santa?" but then seeing it was from the UK, I really thought about it and it was just a trade and a pin I'd paid for. And me being me, I didn't realize I'd traded with the same person I'd bought pins from:)facepalm:).
You are too sweet! i hope you enjoy them! :) Thank you for all the sweetness! I think you even made me blush with all the attention! LOL Enjoy
Isn't that Catz a pain? Always sending nice stuff and all of that. Both of you are great to deal with and I hope to be doing lots of it throughout the next year!!!