My collection updated 6/26/14 :D
I love your PODM display idea!! Good luck in completing your set!
Very nice collection! Keep up the good work
Love the shadow box frame with the LED lighting! It looks awesome! The best display of those type of pins I've seen anywhere. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to get my husband to try one for me. Thanks for the idea.
The wall's shaping up reaaal nice! That shadow box is grand!
WOW! Really digging that frame for your PODMs!!
& I see one of the pins you acquired from me! hehe ..Your collection is AWESOME!
Love the shadow box frame with the LED lighting! It looks awesome! The best display of those type of pins I've seen anywhere. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to get my husband to try one for me. Thanks for the idea.
Oh and here are the materials I used( All from Michael's):
* Shadow box- any kind really. Mine is a 9in x 22in
* A large piece of Elmer's foam board in black- This is what i have the pins are on inside the shadow box frame
* An exacto knife to cut the board, and the holes for each pin
* White chalk to mark off the foam board for cutting
* White computer paper to put on the back of the foam board
I got the battery powered LED lights at Hobby Lobby. It was the only place I could find lights in the middle of the summer lol, but I know there are a lot of places online
Thanks for the material list!
The Stitch Polynesian Resort pin is awesome!
Awesome additions! I can't wait to see more additions to you collection.
I love the shadow box.
Nice collection
I'm so jealous of your Bolt pin, Oliver and Company pin, and your Scar pins x)