My Collection
Thanks! Here is a closer image of them. These will eventually go on a shadowbox with a star field and semi-transparent clock with the seal of Rasillon in the center. The Doctors are placed at the number associated with their incarnation - 1st Doctor at 1 o'clock and so forth.
Good thing you got those when they were available. Yeah, I think you have a very unique collection. Disney pins are great, but I love other kinds of pins too.Everything in my collection except the Disney and a few of the anime / other pins I bought in the late '80s and early '90s. They are all long discontinued and to my knowledge they only appear on ebay occasionally. I don't know of any other collection like this one and haven't found any other online collectors of them either. Kinda sad as they are really cool pins. I'm hoping since Disney now owns Marvel they will resurrect some of these and make new ones but so far I've only seen a couple.
Donald is growing rapidly since the first pin trade in Feb of this year (when we first took the plunge into Disney pin trading.