New Frozen Pins

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I think the sale started around 8am PST. I saw the first person post on IG around that time that they ordered successfully. I had a friend who ordered them for me and I have every finger, toe, etc on my body right now that every thing goes okay with the order!
I was able to snag my set around 7:55 PST, but skipped out on Marshmallow and the trolls. Got everyone else! Now I just gotta wait the 2 to 3 weeks for them to arrive.
Ugg, waiting to here about phone payment confirmation is freaking me out! My friend was an amazing trooper and hopped on to try and get them for me as soon as I saw the IG post of someone getting theirs this morning. She got all of them (and apparently picked out the express shipping option according to the confirmation email she sent me, but that's ok, haha, I'm just grateful she tried to get them! Maybe express shipping was the only option since someone else mentioned they accidentally picked that? Maybe that is all that was there?) Anyway I am HOPING everything went ok. Too late to check with her now since they are 3 hours ahead and she is probably asleep (I was at the fair all day or would have checked earlier today). I messaged her at 8:43 am PST about the pre-order being up. She ordered within 10 minutes of that so by 9:00 am. I know people are saying they sold out in 40 minutes and pre-ordered opening at 8:00am so I am just really really hoping that I met the cut off and won't get a cancellation I heard rumored for them overselling... Guess I'll know tomorrow!
While Frozen is far more popular in terms of general merchandise, pins are different and more specific since little kids and parents don't go after the general merchandise. It's a totally different market Frozen has yet to beat Tangled in the pin world since no pin has sold even close to as much as the higher end Tangled pins and yet even Tangled went through that "decrease after the hype." If Tangled went through that, Frozen definitely will. WiR did as well and while no, WiR wasn't as popular as Tangled or Frozen; Stitch, Jessica, Tink, all popular pins at one point went through the same cycle. It's just proof that all pins that have ever been popular "decrease with hype."

That's for sure, I never said it wouldn't be. My point was that the reason this set will drop in price purely because people are hyping it up too much. If it starts selling at $1000, give it a few days and it'll reach $800, another few and maybe it'll settle at $600, but it will not hit $1000 and then keep rising.

I love Jessica. But she is not as popular as Elsa lol (highschool much? :lol:) And Stitch and Tink are cute, but, eh, I still wouldn't say they are as popular as the Frozen Characters. There are several of those DAs pins that are floating on eBay that have been around the $100-$200 for some time, while the Frozen pins just skyrocked after a couple of months! As ElysionsPrincess said, the Tangled pins went up a year after the film, but that really wasn't the case with Frozen. I think you're in denial if you don't think these pins will raise over some time :lol: And thanks to social media, more people seem to be getting into pins! I honestly believe that if all Disney Stores had pins, pin trading would be more popular! Elsa and Anna are just going to be everywhere lol

My friend missed out :(

Oh no :( I'm so sorry :( I hate that feeling! I hope she gets them one day though :hs:

I hope you guys had some better luck! If any of you guys have an extra set, many of us would be extremely interested in a co-op! :rofl:
I love Jessica. But she is not as popular as Elsa lol (highschool much? :lol:) And Stitch and Tink are cute, but, eh, I still wouldn't say they are as popular as the Frozen Characters. There are several of those DAs pins that are floating on eBay that have been around the $100-$200 for some time, while the Frozen pins just skyrocked after a couple of months!

The key thing to remember is that I did not say Jessica, Tink, or Stitch right now. Well before Frozen and Tangled ever were released, Jessica, Tink, and Stitch were all the big thing at separate times. As one big thing comes in, the last one goes out. 1 of them (I forgot which one) was the biggest thing and then Tangled came in and stole it, Frozen became the biggest and pushed Tangled out of the spotlight, one day something will come along and kick Frozen out of the spotlight, it has been like this for years (I have not been trading for years but I know many people who have who all tell me this stuff :P).

As ElysionsPrincess said, the Tangled pins went up a year after the film, but that really wasn't the case with Frozen. I think you're in denial if you don't think these pins will raise over some time :lol: And thanks to social media, more people seem to be getting into pins! I honestly believe that if all Disney Stores had pins, pin trading would be more popular! Elsa and Anna are just going to be everywhere lol

Actually, when Frozen first came out, the GSF set was selling for $200 and Elsa Stained Glass was doing $200 easy. The dolls were only selling for about $300-400 each. Once the DVD came out, the pins and dolls all doubled so Frozen had the exact same story as Wreck-It-Ralph had in that they only "blew up" after the DVD came out. Of course Frozen blew up more than Wreck-It-Ralph did, but Frozen was not the powerhouse it is now the day it came out. Frozen will rise over time, I'm not saying that, what I'm saying is that Frozen won't hit Rapunzel prices.

Even now the set is selling only for $1000 on eBay, the entire set. That means you could almost trade 1 Designer Rapunzel for an entire set of 8 pins when DP Rapunzel was at her high point (and that's 1 Rapunzel pin which is only 50 edition lower than all of these pins) and you could trade 1 R/C Rapunzel pin for 2 whole sets of these pins. I'm not saying $1000 isn't a lot, the only thing I'm out to say is that Frozen won't reach Rapunzel prices when Rapunzel was at her high point (and by that I mean 1 pin alone going for $1000-2000).

P.S. I wish Disney Stores had pins -__- I still can't believe the Time Square store does NOT carry more pins...
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But Rapunzel's high point isn't a fair comparison to Frozen's current value. It is just starting lol. And the R/C Rapunzel is an exceptionally rare pin, there are no Frozen pins of that rarity yet :o
It is true that Frozen hasn't been out as long, but it's definitely not "just starting" given it's been out for over 7 months now, close to 8, that's almost a whole year. We'll see if these WDI pins (or at least just Elsa) get close to $600 per pin by the time this Xmas comes to see if it Frozen is keeping up with Tangled since DP Rapunzel hit $750 roughly a little over a year after Tangled hit theaters (that was LE150 though, so LE200 should go down a little...hence $600).

If anything, I would hope Frozen never hits Tangled prices, it's not a battle to say which movie is better, but as a person who likes Frozen pins over Tangled pins, I'd much rather my Frozen stay cheaper.
Actually, when Frozen first came out, the GSF set was selling for $200 and Elsa Stained Glass was doing $200 easy. The dolls were only selling for about $300-400 each. Once the DVD came out, the pins and dolls all doubled so Frozen had the exact same story as Wreck-It-Ralph had in that they only "blew up" after the DVD came out. Of course Frozen blew up more than Wreck-It-Ralph did, but Frozen was not the powerhouse it is now the day it came out. Frozen will rise over time, I'm not saying that, what I'm saying is that Frozen won't hit Rapunzel prices.

Even now the set is selling only for $1000 on eBay, the entire set. That means you could almost trade 1 Designer Rapunzel for an entire set of 8 pins when DP Rapunzel was at her high point (and that's 1 Rapunzel pin which is only 50 edition lower than all of these pins) and you could trade 1 R/C Rapunzel pin for 2 whole sets of these pins. I'm not saying $1000 isn't a lot, the only thing I'm out to say is that Frozen won't reach Rapunzel prices when Rapunzel was at her high point (and by that I mean 1 pin alone going for $1000-2000).

P.S. I wish Disney Stores had pins -__- I still can't believe the Time Square store does NOT carry more pins...

Yeah, the DVD came out in March, so four months after theater release. ElysionsPrincess (and others) observed that Tangled pins rose in price a YEAR after the film was released. Pretty big difference if you ask me :lol: I (again lol) have to disagree with you because Frozen was a big hit the week it was released AND (if I recall correctly) the time it was in theaters was extended to add a sing-along version of the film! That doesn't happen too often with films. Again, I think you have to be in denial if you don't think Frozen can hit Tangled prices :lol:

And yes, you could have traded DP Punzel for the set, but now there was a person asking for the UP Marquee (lol). There's a DP Punzel on the Bay for $605 or BO. Right now what I'm observing is that folks would rather spend their money on Frozen than Tangled. Makes me a little sad for Punzel, but her pins are still lovely. I am also observing that people are trading with monetary value and not tade/want ratio like before. So before some folks would have consider a trade between DP Rapunzel and WDI Frozen set as fair, but I think it would be different now, sadly :( I can bet that Stained Glass Elsa will hit that high mark by next year, once collectors get ahold of her, and the remaining few are on eBay. Also, those new Norway Cruise pins are going to be tough to get a hold of, so maybe they can compare to R/C Rapunzel ;)

P.S: There are still pins at the DS in NYC lol or did you mean that they don't carry a high variety? If so, I do agree with you on that one :lol:
Yeah, the DVD came out in March, so four months after theater release. ElysionsPrincess (and others) observed that Tangled pins rose in price a YEAR after the film was released. Pretty big difference if you ask me :lol: I (again lol) have to disagree with you because Frozen was a big hit the week it was released AND (if I recall correctly) the time it was in theaters was extended to add a sing-along version of the film! That doesn't happen too often with films. Again, I think you have to be in denial if you don't think Frozen can hit Tangled prices :lol:

And yes, you could have traded DP Punzel for the set, but now there was a person asking for the UP Marquee (lol). There's a DP Punzel on the Bay for $605 or BO. Right now what I'm observing is that folks would rather spend their money on Frozen than Tangled. Makes me a little sad for Punzel, but her pins are still lovely. I am also observing that people are trading with monetary value and not tade/want ratio like before. So before some folks would have consider a trade between DP Rapunzel and WDI Frozen set as fair, but I think it would be different now, sadly :( I can bet that Stained Glass Elsa will hit that high mark by next year, once collectors get ahold of her, and the remaining few are on eBay. Also, those new Norway Cruise pins are going to be tough to get a hold of, so maybe they can compare to R/C Rapunzel ;)

P.S: There are still pins at the DS in NYC lol or did you mean that they don't carry a high variety? If so, I do agree with you on that one :lol:
Where are the pins in the DS in NYC? I was just the and didn't see any :(
Where are the pins in the DS in NYC? I was just the and didn't see any :(

There is an extremely tiny area of nothing really good on the first floor towards the center.

Watching these pin's prices fall makes me happy. The set is only doing $800ish now and dropping :D Thank god it doesn't do Tangled prices, I would rather not pay over $3000 for this set (which at this rate I won't ever have to).
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