New Years White Elephant Gift Exchange...........Steal Shamelessly!!!

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This is SO fun! :) Even if I get some stolen from me! That's the whole point right? Well... I would LOVE to lock some of these in, but I don't wanna be out that early! HAHA So I will choose #20! Wonder what my luck will bring me this time! :D HAHA
This is SO fun! :) Even if I get some stolen from me! That's the whole point right? Well... I would LOVE to lock some of these in, but I don't wanna be out that early! HAHA So I will choose #20! Wonder what my luck will bring me this time! :D HAHA

Oh this is my first reveal so minute, I shall return with the revealing :) And as per Calvin's request, I think I'll change it up a bit and reveal all 3 at once. Sure it goes by fast, but let's make it enjoyable for all :)
Oh this is my first reveal so minute, I shall return with the revealing :) And as per Calvin's request, I think I'll change it up a bit and reveal all 3 at once. Sure it goes by fast, but let's make it enjoyable for all :)

3!? No way! So excited to see what it is! :)
I feel the love all the way in NV. You guys rock. But this game is far from over....I'm in the military, we take care of each other. Just like you guys :)
Okay my is actually not 3 pins but in fact 1 better pin (the 3 pins were swapped out this morning before I knew for this 1 pin that is easily better than all 3 together!!!)

Do we have any Nightmare Before Christmas fans because Spongey your pin is:


Pin 57491: DLR - Cast Exclusive Pin of the Month (October 2007) Jack & Sally Haunted Mansion Hearse
OMG!! I love Nightmare Before Christmas!! I have been looking for this pin for a while now actually! :) I am super excited I got it! Thank you to whoever gave this pin too! I'm sure it was very hard for you to give it up!
OMG!! I love Nightmare Before Christmas!! I have been looking for this pin for a while now actually! :) I am super excited I got it! Thank you to whoever gave this pin too! I'm sure it was very hard for you to give it up!

It must be the extreme amount of kindness pin karma you are exuding right now lol xP This is working out perfectly for you Up fans then right now isn't it :) I have to say I'm very happy that you guys are happy, who wants to run a game where everyone comes out les miserables (yes, that movie was amazing...just saying).
To Pin-A-Colada and imaok4u ...i wanted to say thank you to both of you. To serve is, in my opinion the most courageous thing you can do so thank you!
Im hoping to go combat Dive once im old enough, hopefully i can help this great country much like you to have.
Thank you everybody again! :) I have to go though to have Family Game Night! :) We are gonna play Scattegories! If anyone steals from me, just text me! See ya! And Good Luck everybody! :) Love Ya!!
It must be the extreme amount of kindness pin karma you are exuding right now lol xP This is working out perfectly for you Up fans then right now isn't it :) I have to say I'm very happy that you guys are happy, who wants to run a game where everyone comes out les miserables (yes, that movie was amazing...just saying).

That is a rockin pin!
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