Not enough interest - thanks for responses
LOL Not me - I'm faithful to my collection.Here I was thinking only AIW was ever allowed to touch your fingertips!! You been cheatin' woman? :naughty: :lol:
Of course!Cool idea! Would you allow multiple purchases?
Thanks!Congrats on getting so close with your collection! That has got to be one amazing collection as is!!
Hard to say. It seems like most pin games on the forum go for $20+25 including shipping. You have a LOT of holy grail worthy pins here (like, OMG, the Masterpiece Belle!), but I also see quite a few pins pictured that I think fall in the $10 or less range. (Toys for Tots Belle, princess crest, Star Wars, 100 Years pins, etc.) Would you consider offering two games for different price ranges? Like, one with $20 spots and another with $50 spots? I know I'd be very disappointed if I paid about $75 for two spots and ended up with two rack pins. Just a suggestion.
Either way, you have gorgeous pins, and congratulations on reaching your milestone!
The next issue is that a lot of people stay away from games because they think they are rigged. Even people using have posted results that fail to show the bottom of the page which is where you can see how many times the list was altered. When risking larger amounts of money I think you would need to have a method that would allow people to fee they were getting a fair shake. Videos are good but can of course be edited, there is a place that you can do live video chats online....I used to do sports cards box breaks there but I cant remember the name of it...I will look it up again..................
I've known JJ for a number of years. Speaking from experience, that's not how she operates. Everyone would get a Fair shake.