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ZAPPED! Okay so I am going beyond lucky day and it is turning into a fantastic week.

ZAPPED! Okay so I am going beyond lucky day and it is turning into a fantastic week.


Sir David, Grail Slayer Knight
Rating - 100%
735   0   0
seattle, wa
So I just received my auction from jeffluvsstitch (a great toy story podm) and he was nice enough to also send me this great tink pin:

from Paris.

If that wasn't enough I also received this great pin from ashkai I made a trade with her to help cheer her up and turns out she is sending me extra goodies.

Thank you to Jeff, Angelina and to everybody else who has been so nice this week and zapped me. I have never had such a great week from so many different traders. What a great community we have here!!! This week it is good to be me!!!
Yes, this week has been good so far. How is your Mulan collection of PodMs coming along? Which scenes are you still missing/wanting? I'm just curious on how one would display several scenes of the same movie.
One extra would not be a problem for me, I would just put it on a lanyard.

Do you have any plans on displaying them in a specific way?