Pin 95563: DSF - Oz the Great and Powerful - China Girl Surprise Release

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Pin 95563: DSF - Oz the Great and Powerful - China Girl Surprise Release
Since OZ is also coming out in IMAX 3D, there might be a special pin given out on opening night. There were special IMAX pins for TRON and the last Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
If you haven't found the Oz button yet, I'll check into getting a few for you =]


I just talked with the cast members at the Oz preview and they said that they're out and won't be getting anymore :(
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If you haven't found the Oz button yet, I'll check into getting a few for you =]


I just talked with the cast members at the Oz preview and they said that they're out and won't be getting anymore :(

Crap :( That's really unfortunate....Thanks so much though for wanting to help out! Much appreciated :)
Bump for Queen. Still looking for marquee, button, and evil queen key :)
Yay, we remembered seeing that someone needed a button for Oz and looked for one but we're glad that you have it. (: Good luck with China Girl!
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