Pin Thief...
Just got to say the name WILL NOT BE LISTED OR GIVEN. Please stop asking
The person got his pins back and we should just be happy its over.
I don't think that guy will steal again after this scare.
Just please people keep in mind to never leave your pin bag out of sight at parties.
I disagree, the name will be given to anybody who wants it. Why stop asking? Everybody who might have dealings with this person deserves to know what happened. Why do you think this person would not steal again? If he did it once why wouldn't he do it again if he gets the chance?
Yes people should keep an eye on their pinbooks, but how about people not steal. Pin parties are supposed to be fun.
I disagree, the name will be given to anybody who wants it. Why stop asking? Everybody who might have dealings with this person deserves to know what happened. Why do you think this person would not steal again? If he did it once why wouldn't he do it again if he gets the chance?
Yes people should keep an eye on their pinbooks, but how about people not steal. Pin parties are supposed to be fun.
@rik...You paint an interesting scenario, but if I may, let me spin it a little differently and the fact that this actually happened to people I know
As well as Disney Pins, I also belong to a website dedicated to Transformers. When the first live action movie was being made, someone quoted something from the forum of the director, gave proper credit, quoted it word for word, no changes, etc. Because it was such an interesting idea, the fan community was quite divided on the issue, and the post on the fan site literally blew up. It got so loud and prolific and while it was heated, most of what was said was valid on both the pro and the con side of the issue. It got so big, it was actually brought to the attention of the director that evening, who in turn contacted the owner of the forum, the mods of the forum, and the original poster and basically threatened legal action against all those contacted if the thread did not disappear. No one did anything wrong, but legal action was threatened, and since the director probably had a better legal team than any of the mods, the poster, etc, since that is a fan site and moderator/posted on for FREE, the thread was retired. How does that apply here:
As I have pointed out, the original poster might be 100% correct with their statement, their facts, etc. However, as this did not occur on DPF, there is no way the mods/admin can swear by that fact, so it has been the practice of the mods before us, and probably after us, unless we change the policy, to remove the name from public viewing as we are acting on the side of caution in this case.
Now please consider the following points (wearing my administrator hat): in this particular instance, if I understand the situation correctly (I am not on Facebook), the pin theft and subsequent aftermath did not take place on DPF. The only thing that has to do with DPF is that some (all?) of the participants are members. DPF Staff are not and cannot be either the internet police nor the pin police. Our jurisdiction ends when one leaves DPF's site; we (being Staff) have no authority over anything that happens outside of our little corner of the internet.
As a member of the pin trading community, I understand wanting to be warned about and protected against those who are out to steal from and take advantage of others. I do understand why you might want these members publicly named and a 'bad trader/seller' list established. As an administrator, such a list is a disaster waiting to happen: the threat of libel. While truth is a defense against libel, we don't want to have to prove the allegations that someone is a bad trader, seller, etc are true to avoid legal trouble - and we live in such a litigious society that someone either would sue or threaten to sue.
Furthermore, as was pointed out, this is a very slippery slope. Some of the names on the list might be merited, but others might be submitted for revenge, and once a name is on the list, that reputation is damaged (even if the name ultimately is removed) - and in pin trading, reputation is everything. Believe it or not, this isn't the first time a 'bad trader/seller' list was requested; it was requested and declined almost like clockwork on Dizpins - with very good reason.
I would just remind everyone that if people left the appropriate feedback, much of this wouldn't be necessary. Correctly left feedback would act as a bad trader/seller list in and of itself. All everyone would need to do is check the latest feedback left to figure out the identities, although given enough time, that won't be necessary for the really bad traders/sellers. Eventually the bad traders/sellers would accumulate so much bad feedback that their resulting low scores would make their identities painfully obvious.
i've known him since 4th grade and i was completely devastated, i stood by him and it was just a big slap to the face when he finally admitted to taking the pins, then he kicked me by his string of bad unsupported lies, finally stabbed me in the back by changing his story to insist he was framed by one of my friends.
No innocent person would keep known stolen pins for almost a month, let alone trade one and fake a story to claim he traded for the other. The pins returned had the same flaws and of course admitted to taking them.
FYI it is illegal to record a phone conversation without the permission of BOTH parties here in California. I would also question why the recording would be stopped precisely at the point where the person recording the call asks the alleged thief "why did you say I took the pins?"
This is so far beyond slippery slope and lynch mob mentality. We only have heard one side of the story and to accept something as fact just because someone proclaims it as fact is not what civilized people do. If in fact everything that has been said is true why hasn't the alleged "thief" made a statement anywhere? If the person is not a member here I do not understand why this thread was posted to begin with. That's like posting a warning about a local trader here in Nor.Cal when they couldn't defend themselves....just seems inappropriate to me.
There is so much insane drama in that circle that it seems completely reasonable to me that if one person wanted to start problems for the other all they would have to do is put something in their bag and then call them out for it. Mind you some of the people involved in this fiasco are the people behind the "Confessions of a Disney Pin Trader" I think pretty much everyone can agree (even fans of the page) that it takes a certain type of personality to constantly be the epicenter of the most vile, trashy and constant bashing and flat out verbal abuse of people just because they feel safe behind anonymity or the safety of being an internet gangster. Maybe it's the so cal way of doing things? Let people talk as much crap as possible online but when you see them say nothing? Umm coward much? It's good to be good and it's bad to be bad.
Stealing is is bad, I would not wish being robbed on my worst enemy. However simply saying that someone is guilty and without actually seeing or hearing the other side of the story, I would hope that more people would reserve judgment. It just seems to me that allowing one persons word against no response at all to validate the accusation is wrong.
I have no direct knowledge of ANY of the events, I have not spoken to nor do I know ANY of the people involved personally. I just can't help but feel that once again someone is being targeted as guilty (yes some people are guilty of horrible things but seem to be forgiven repeatedly) and people are accepting it as fact. While I have seen people confess directly to some shady crap and the forum comes in and supports them! What if the next time it was you or a real friend being accused and strung out?
I want to urge people to treat each other the way you would hope to be treated yourself and most of us wouldn't want to be found guilty of something simply because "he said that she said that they said that this dude is guilty because someone somewhere heard that this other chick heard that her friend heard that he did it"
You have no idea what you're talking about. Best possible option when you are not educated on a subject? Say nothing.
I would also like this trader's name here on DPF please. Thank you!
FYI it is illegal to record a phone conversation without the permission of BOTH parties here in California.
I agreeFYI it is illegal to record a phone conversation without the permission of BOTH parties here in California. I would also question why the recording would be stopped precisely at the point where the person recording the call asks the alleged thief "why did you say I took the pins?"
This is so far beyond slippery slope and lynch mob mentality. We only have heard one side of the story and to accept something as fact just because someone proclaims it as fact is not what civilized people do. If in fact everything that has been said is true why hasn't the alleged "thief" made a statement anywhere? If the person is not a member here I do not understand why this thread was posted to begin with. That's like posting a warning about a local trader here in Nor.Cal when they couldn't defend themselves....just seems inappropriate to me.
There is so much insane drama in that circle that it seems completely reasonable to me that if one person wanted to start problems for the other all they would have to do is put something in their bag and then call them out for it. Mind you some of the people involved in this fiasco are the people behind the "Confessions of a Disney Pin Trader" I think pretty much everyone can agree (even fans of the page) that it takes a certain type of personality to constantly be the epicenter of the most vile, trashy and constant bashing and flat out verbal abuse of people just because they feel safe behind anonymity or the safety of being an internet gangster. Maybe it's the so cal way of doing things? Let people talk as much crap as possible online but when you see them say nothing? Umm coward much? It's good to be good and it's bad to be bad.
Stealing is is bad, I would not wish being robbed on my worst enemy. However simply saying that someone is guilty and without actually seeing or hearing the other side of the story, I would hope that more people would reserve judgment. It just seems to me that allowing one persons word against no response at all to validate the accusation is wrong.
I have no direct knowledge of ANY of the events, I have not spoken to nor do I know ANY of the people involved personally. I just can't help but feel that once again someone is being targeted as guilty (yes some people are guilty of horrible things but seem to be forgiven repeatedly) and people are accepting it as fact. While I have seen people confess directly to some shady crap and the forum comes in and supports them! What if the next time it was you or a real friend being accused and strung out?
I want to urge people to treat each other the way you would hope to be treated yourself and most of us wouldn't want to be found guilty of something simply because "he said that she said that they said that this dude is guilty because someone somewhere heard that this other chick heard that her friend heard that he did it"
I do think all owners got their pins back, including the Belle Designer owner.I keep reading that "the original owner got his/her pins back, so we should let it go." But it is also stated in one of the posts that he traded away the Belle Designer pin before he got caught, so did the original owner get this pin back? If not, then let's stop with all of the "no harm done" nonsense. Just saying.