PTD Discussion Thread
Don't want to sidetrack the thread too much, but quick question: How are the PTD pins packaged? I've seen some on eBay marked as being in "original packaging," but the packaging appears to be a small ziploc bag. (Though some of these are laying on top of a DSSF shopping bag.) Do they come on a card or anything?
They come either in a small zip-lock bag or small sealed plastic bag. Some people will put them on homemade cards with the soda fountain logo, but that's not how they are sold/packaged.
Is Jessica not popular anymore? For some reason I thought she was (and that was why they kept releasing her almost every month). Are people just sick of her? I'm surprised she is last.
Well it looks like I was somewhat right ahaha.
But I'm glad that Maurice was getting some love & the Grand Duke too!
I always thought too but for some reason Jessica is going downhill again for popularity.
I mean not too down but she's not getting as much as love as I remember she was getting.
But now it's getting down to one PTD again, I'm scared that an Aladdin PTD will be next >.<"
lots of Tiana left at around 8:30 pm last nightCalled about an hour ago. King Hubert sold out yesterday afternoon, so the only pin left is Tiana. Of course, no idea when it'll flip.