Hey guys!
So, after working on it for a few days, I've finally made myself a new signature! Now, it features all of my primary collections, so it's a little much. You're probably thinking "DAAAAAANG Wizard! How many pins you want!?" Well, I did this so I wouldn't have to make a new sig for a while. Hahah! This should keep me busy. ;P
Anywho, all that to say is that I'm looking to make some trades!
Take a look at my sig and see if you have anything!
Here, I'll even post each frame individually. Hahah!
Now, these first three frames (SitS, Aladdin, and Pin-Tiquities), I MAAAAY be willing to trade out of my collection for IF the pin is on the top of the list. Never hurts to ask. Worst I can do is say no, right? ;P
68130, 69511, 46508, and 32429 I am willing to trade out of my collection for (and probably some others on here too).
54773, 29252, 39145, and 78367 I am willing to trade out of my collection for.
35652, 68579, 40540, and 68523 I am willing to trade out of my collection for.
57107, 6710, and 50893 are probably the biggest priorities.
92848, 69185, and 66800 are probably the biggest priorities.
Please let me know if we can work something out. :3 Thanks so much and keep your eyes open for me!