RSVP Calling all Southern Californians April 6th!!
EXCUSE ME....ummm not sure what you're implying?? i wish i can give infractions.....jk jk you sir are wonderful--such a fun time....and i own knee pads btw.:|
girls gotta do......................
I believe Marissa said all the OLD people were left at the and Matt are too young i guess.
What? Who? Me? No, no, no... I wasn't implying anything about anyone. However, from here on out, I'm gonna call you Dah-KNEE!!
Well I guess I should be happy that I'm grouped in with the young people :lol: but what are we going to do with you!?! First you were rummaging through David's drawers and then caught coming out of the laundry room. Can't we take you anywhere!?!