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Shellie May (the Disney Bear!)

Shellie May (the Disney Bear!)
Thank you!

Oh wow that's a tough one :( Our friend in Japan has had trouble getting some of the merch because it keeps selling out(the earrings and the cell charms were the worst!), and the day of your arrival being White Day (For those who don't know,It's a Japanese holiday where guys give girls chocolates/gifts *on Valentines day girls give guys chocolates* ) makes it even worse that alot of the goods may be gone :( So I'd suggest trying to get the evening pass and ask your husband if he'd go to the hotel

I hope you manage to get the goods you want and have a safe flight with no illness (my health issues are the only thing keeping me from traveling to Japan sadly)

AWESOME!! Nice ink...so cute!

The Sweet Duffy stuff is KILLING me, because (you'll love this...):

We touch down on White Day (3/14), and at the time I booked and paid for our tickets, I didn't realize that it's the final day for the Sweet Duffy merchandise! :(

So we arrive around 4 PM, and by the time we get our stuff and out of Narita, it will be almost 6. Also? We are usually TOAST after that flight (to give you an idea, I threw up several times from headache and lack of sleep).

BUT- I really, REALLY love the Sweet Duffy merchandise, and it would KILL me to miss it by half a day. So now I have a decision to make- split up from my husband and go to TDS and buy an evening pass while he goes to the hotel with our luggage (assuming I'm not too physically ill to do so), go the next day and hope for the best (or the kindness of cast members willing to raid the back rooms...and this also pushing our Aki trip back one day), or just go when we had originally planned in our trip and once again hope for the best.

::le sigh::
Sadly the clothes alone for Shellie cost more than $50US :(

What size are you looking for and how much is the range youre expecting, I'll ask our Duffbuddy in Japan how much since we have a new order to place soon :3

My 28" Duffy was only $37! I'd feel like I were getting ripped off if I purchased a medium Shellie May for $50.
I noticed this about the clothes. But I prefer my large Duffy to be unclothed because he's just so cute the way he is.
Sadly the clothes alone for Shellie cost more than $50US :(

What size are you looking for and how much is the range youre expecting, I'll ask our Duffbuddy in Japan how much since we have a new order to place soon :3

Preferably the 17/18" (medium) one to match the standard US size Duffy.
How much are those with shipping costs?
I have to ask our friend, it's been a long time since we got Shellie so I don't remember how much she herself cost
Shipping is a little expensive though since it's EMS
I'll get back to you once I hear from them ^w^

Preferably the 17/18" (medium) one to match the standard US size Duffy.
How much are those with shipping costs?
Okay so, the first few times we went to TDR my friend and I made fun of the people with the bears relentlessly, but this past time we changed our hearts and bought them (Shellie May for me and Duffy for her) to increase our excitement/try something we never did before and I have to tell you, I felt so happy. I could help you out if you need it but the unfortunate thing is she is 50 USD for the normal size, it isn't mark-up that is what I paid after the exchange rate and that is with no clothing or anything. I ended up buying her "basic" outfit (just a skirt/underwear) for about 15 dollars and her shell necklace which I think is enough for now, I might be able to save up enough for a dress by the next time I go in a few months considering the dresses are as much (or sometimes MUCH more!) as the bear. But then again I am also thinking she might need a Duffy for when she moves back to the USA permanently, so if I do that she has to stay in her basic outfit.
Any help is appreciated - always! I just want to know how much shipping would be.
I don't mind if she is comes without clothing as ALL of my Duffy bears are in the "nude" right now, lol.
Oh and I'm hoping she'll come to the USA. Hopefully she won't be as expensive!
I seriously wonder why she's so much.
My mother is coming out to visit me here at the end of April/beginning of may and we are spending some time at TDR too, why don't you think about it (decide if you want to wait and see if Shellie May comes to the USA for less $$$ because you seem unsure) and if you are still wanting her then, I can get her to carry it back to America and mail within the states so you're not paying $20 or more for shipping. :)