So disney store uk really have mucked up!
Going to have my little rant :rant:
at the fact I received a message today from someone who opened a package from disneystore to find as well as their items was another package inside, my package............ which is now nowhere near where it supossed to be and in someones else package!! It is just stupid and I am quite amazed how they have managed to do this??
I have contacted disneystore and waiting on a reply
I am sure people dont really want to read my rant but Disneystore UK really have mucked up this time!
at the fact I received a message today from someone who opened a package from disneystore to find as well as their items was another package inside, my package............ which is now nowhere near where it supossed to be and in someones else package!! It is just stupid and I am quite amazed how they have managed to do this??
I have contacted disneystore and waiting on a reply