• Guest, Help The DPF Community Thrive - Join Our Donation Drive Today!

    We're launching a special DPF Donation Drive to ensure our beloved forum continues to flourish. Your support is vital in helping us cover essential server costs and keep our community running smoothly — This is more than just a donation; it's an investment in the future of our community.

    Join us in this crucial drive and let's ensure our forum remains a vibrant and dynamic place for everyone.

    Please visit the DPF Donation Drive Thread for details and instructions on how you can make your donation today!

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This Button Wants To Fly
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Thankyou to minipintrader who won my first ever auction! Not only was the bid amazing but when It arrived it had this amazing pin as an extra! Thankyou, I love these theamed stitch pins as I am a massive batman fan, thanks again ^^