This has to be said (a must read) "echo"
Since I've been a member here, I've met a lot of great people. I must give a huge thank you to one member in particular. Her member name is echoharmony. I'm the person who wrote the "sad news" thread about a month ago saying that my Pin suitcase had not made it to the Orlando airport with me from Boston. In this case were all my trade pins for the Mickeys Circus pin event. As you can imagine I was devistated. Many of you posted and gave me a lot of support and care and I really thank you all for that. I have to tell you though, echo not only posted her concern BUT also offered me some traders she had just so I would be able to trade at the event. No charge, no strings attached, no nothing but true kindness and concern for a fellow DPF member. SHE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ME!!!! This one very special lady and I will never ever forget this thoughtful gesture. I am so proud to be Part of the DPF and all the special people here. May all your wishes and dreams come true. Thank you "echo".