I do not mind if a person trades/re-zaps/sells a pin that I zap to them. Once it leaves my hands, whatever the recipient wants or needs to do with it is 100% AOK with me. Circumstances arise, tastes change and the giving, to me anyway is a gift to both of us because it makes me happy to be able to do it. I of course always wish I could do more, most people do I hope, but if you are giving someone something from a place of genuine selfless intention, you should be ok with whatever they choose to do with it.
True necessity is not something that everyone can understand and that is clear by the sheer amount of people complaining about being broke but refusing to sell their pins. I'm sorry but you cannot know what "broke" is if you stick by that reasoning. In fact I am more offended when people ask me to borrow money to pay bills, gas, food etc. when I know that they are sitting on THOUSANDS of dollars worth of pins. Its not right IMHO and because I am in the sucky situation of being in the largest debt of my life because of medical bills and have had to sell things I would rather not sell (no pins from my collection....yet) but I refuse to file bankruptcy while sitting on money in the form of "stuff" and I will sell everything I own before I would ever do that.
I hope this is not taken the wrong way, my heart is always in the best place but I do think that after seeing several situations where someone zaps another member and then sees the person trade or sell it and get a pissy about it, this is a GREAT topic that needs some honest (brutal if need be) responses. If you would be hurt to see a member trade/sell/re-zap a pin DO NOT ZAP IT. As I said before, things change, circumstances change and unfortunately we cannot know for sure the destiny of these zaps so its best to make an informed and prepared zap if you are the type to get your feelings hurt.
I love zapping, both sides of it and I think that it makes the world (no matter how small) a better place. The act alone would inspire anyone and when I tell people about the practice I am met with disbelief. In what world can most people imagine being met with such kindness and generosity? In my entire life I have never seen anything like this. I had been a member for a maybe a month when I received my first zap from Selen/Merryweather and I will never, ever forget it. I have that pin and hope to have it forever.
Have you hugged a zapper today lol?