Trading with Catz! New traders!
Hello friends! ♡♥♡ First....thank you all for being part of this so often feels like family. Amazing people! Amazing talent! Amazing fun! All in one place! You are an excellent group and I feel happy/blessed to know you.
So...... We recently went to SoCal and did some trading and buying. Got lots of new pins! Eeeep!! Now for the fun part....TRADING! !!! thoughts..... Let's see what we can help each other out with! As always, trading is a process. Counter offers are expected. Enjoy the trade! Ok... a bit ramble-y this morn! Let's trade! :hsd:
So...... We recently went to SoCal and did some trading and buying. Got lots of new pins! Eeeep!! Now for the fun part....TRADING! !!! thoughts..... Let's see what we can help each other out with! As always, trading is a process. Counter offers are expected. Enjoy the trade! Ok... a bit ramble-y this morn! Let's trade! :hsd: