UK coming soon pins
Got the pin but where is the coming soon page gone??
Not to say I told you so but....... I am getting extremely frustrated with our Disney store, They really don't care. And I have told them so.
postage costed £4.95 for me.
Have you tried the Reading store?
I live near to you, simonandwendy, but I am about 10-14miles away from Reading and Guildford so I purchase online, but even the postage is expensive, so its worthwhile buying multiples.
Last time with the Nala pin was about this time, Not sure about ones before that tho.
I absolutely LOVE that Nala pin.
I suppose seeing as its nearly 5:30PM, the 'coming soon pins' won'tl be put on the website until tomorrow..
actually they are normally there the same time as the new pins get released as well as having a link to the coming soon page in the drop down menu doesnt look to promising. so lets just hope they removed it by mistake.