USPS Lost ANOTHER Pin... What to Do?
J'aimie. DO NOT GIVE UP! keep pestering. when in doubt. PESTER THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS outta em! its THEIR fault! not YOURS! its up to THEM! you do not give up you pester and you bug! this is one of your final few.
its going to be ok i promise you!!!!
Update: last for tonight, I promise. I contacted the eBay seller asking for assistance and called the distribution center. Guy on the other end of the phone told me to not call them, they would call me and that the package is still in fact lost. I am totally and utterly crushed and feeling so frustrated and helpless right now...
Hang in there sweetie....It sounds to me like they are being IS there at the post office!... you received the little slip! Are you able to talk to your mailperson? if so I would ask him directly about it, who knows... it might have gotten left in his truck by accident or he might know where it was placed when he took it back to the post office. I think it's worth a shot anyway. I have waited at the post office for an hour before while they looked for my little package that was miss shelved and pushed behind all of the bigger packages (I am willing to bet that is what happened to yours) I was very lucky that my post office was willing to take the time to look for it. I hope this all gets sorted out for you soon....big hugs till then :hug: