Villain Rant about DPF TRaders, abusing BATB PODM trade practices!!
Villains dont get to be mean anymore!!! Even if we should and the person deserves it like the folks in this rant!!
I mean trust me we try, but we just cant, and you want to know why?
Go ahead ask me why?
Cuz we have people like HuertaJV, Dawny, and PixieDust at places like here at DPF...
Now while in the past the three above mentioned ladies have had no hesitation in yanking my preverbial evil chain, taunting about sending that vile fairy dust towards me....
Tormenting me with blatant taunts about having pins from my wants,
The harassment continues even to the BATB release, when each one of the above mentioned sly and calculating ladies..ahemm... could not find a source for the coveted release of the year,,,
Sooo whom <using the proper venacular> WHOM do you think they turn too?
You guessed it , yours truly , the Villain prince, the most notorious and villainous fiend in the land~
Now not even more of a coincidence that they requested it on Halloween eve,each in a seperate missive, causing the denizens here in Villain Central into gales of laughter........
No noble princes to rescue these poor princesses in distress it would seem.....???
So in a wave or two of my evil staff<you think only Jafar and Malificent have em?> i got them the pins of their wishes,.. not a biggie..........
Now did these crafty females keep their words and send the pins that they agreed on........................after all they had thier pins...
NO they did not!!!!
Not a one of them!!!!
In fact all three of these evil fairy princess pretenders did far more than they agreed on!!!
They did so very much more~~~~~~
Each one, and Im not sure if they planned all of this from the very start now that I think of it...
Each one sent the agreed pin, one of which I would happily have traded the PODM,
But they EACH sent a an extra LE 500< or less> zap pin in with their original.....
[pinpics]93571[/pinpics]: WDI - WDW Attraction Poster - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
[pinpics]64144[/pinpics]: - Villain Series Captain Hook Pin
[pinpics]79965[/pinpics]: - Halloween 2010 Villains Mystery Set - Chernabog Only
Now Im a vile and retched bad guy so I expected to be abused but this is uncalled for...!!!!!
Take heed my goody good reader,,,,,These horrendishly foul creatures need be watched and dealt with,,,,
Warn your friends,, Warn you neighbors......ok not the one with the loud stereo...
thank you ladies ,your so wonderful!!