SOLD! WDW Animation Celebration -- Near Cost Pickups (Pickups In Process! :D)
All 5 RSPs have been submitted (phew!). The maximum number of pins has been requested, so if you're in Blue, Green, or Yellow categories, we've put in an order for you. Of course, whether or not we will get enough to serve all of those categories, only July 25th knows... So now we wait.
In the mean time, please oh please remember what you've ordered, where you've ordered it, and remember to update those orders as soon as possible if you need to cancel or change them.
For example, if you're at the top of someone's first-come-first-serve list and in the yellow here, your chances are significantly better with them. So you could go ahead and give us an update <3
You may be wondering why I keep harping on this. That's because my greatest fear is on July 26th, 80% of the requested pins will be abandoned because those requests were fulfilled elsewhere. This situation terrifies me. It haunts me, keeps me up at night, doesn't call me the next day, leaves the toilet seat up, forgot the pitcher of water on the counter over night so there's no cold water to drink, thinks that Star Wars Episode 2 is the best of the series, etc. It's bad guys. So please, don't let my fears become realized <3
In the mean time, please oh please remember what you've ordered, where you've ordered it, and remember to update those orders as soon as possible if you need to cancel or change them.
For example, if you're at the top of someone's first-come-first-serve list and in the yellow here, your chances are significantly better with them. So you could go ahead and give us an update <3
You may be wondering why I keep harping on this. That's because my greatest fear is on July 26th, 80% of the requested pins will be abandoned because those requests were fulfilled elsewhere. This situation terrifies me. It haunts me, keeps me up at night, doesn't call me the next day, leaves the toilet seat up, forgot the pitcher of water on the counter over night so there's no cold water to drink, thinks that Star Wars Episode 2 is the best of the series, etc. It's bad guys. So please, don't let my fears become realized <3