The entire reason why I went into pin collecting/trading was when I was waiting for my friends to finish a ride (I'm scared of heights so there are various rides that I just don't go on) and I went into the pin store that's near Adventure Land (i think?). The first pin that caught my eye was this Dumbo pin that was sprouting out water from it's trunk. I don't know why but seeing Dumbo just makes me remember how much I love Disney. I don't think it was the first Disney movie I ever saw (though it could be if I could remember) but I remember it was one of my favorites as a child. It is the reason why I adore elephants in the first place. So that's how I decided to collect Dumbo pins.
However, when I went on PinPics and this forum I realized that there were hundreds of pins! And many many Dumbo pins. I remember I just typed out 'Dumbo' in the PinPics search and recieved pages of them. However, as I scrolled down, I realized that although I adore Dumbo not every pin are my favorite so I decided to be selective and collect only those that I truly like to own and appreciate.
As I joined DPF and was exposed to more pins, I found a love for pins that were from Japan/Tokyo Disneyland and the Pieces of Disney Movie pins (PODM). Thus, I started incorporating those amongst my Wants. I
do love other Disney movies and Princesses (Belle is my favorite), however I only find some of the pins to be something I truly want to have so I guess I'm pretty pin picky
I hope reading mine and everyone else's story can help you decide what kind of pins you want to collect.
Is it just simply because one of Disney's film has captured your heart?
Is it because of a ride at Disneyland that makes your heart beat with excitement when you gaze at the pin that commemorates it?
Is it your love for a particular animal(s)?
Is it because of a certain character that you just think is oh so cool, awesome, or beautiful?
Is it something personal that reminds you of something that happened in your life?
Whatever the reason is, always remember to enjoy collecting and trading them.
That's one path that can never go wrong