What do you do when you get scammed?

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What do you do when you get scammed?
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I've made some unwise trades over facebook recently, but everything has come through luckily (despite no tracking numbers and some scares) but I mean.. if someone isn't on DPF, how/where do you report a bad trader (scammer)?

I'm starting to get more paranoid about the people who are answering my higher-end pinpics requests, and facebook hold no security.. What would you guys do if someone scammed you on a trade that wasn't on DPF?
Is the person local to the Disneyland park area or DSF? If they are, would you be willing to meet and exchange pins in person? This way you can check out the pins for any damages, etc before your pins leaves your hands. This also prevents the worry of the postal service from loosing the pin during transit.
I actually moved, and live pretty far away now, I don't go to the park or DSF as often so that's not really an option for me, but thanks for your suggestion
Or use someone as a middle man. You both send your end to this person and once they receive both, they send them to the other person. :) costs a lil more shipping but it's safe!
I was scammed on FB via someone in France. :( the admin of the page refused to get involved. I still see the guy posting. I refuse to trade Internationally now unless the person is on DPF.
I was scammed on FB via someone in France. :( the admin of the page refused to get involved. I still see the guy posting. I refuse to trade Internationally now unless the person is on DPF.

If the admin refuses to get involved, can you repeatedly comment on his posts something like "SCAMMER"? I mean, if the admin refuses to do anything, will they ban you for stating your opinion if they won't ban him (or even talk to him) about your trade?
As for the original OP question, I would keep a list of names/usernames/addresses for your "bad seller/trader" folder. There really isn't a feedback option on FB, so maybe ask for a list of references. Some people have feedback on dizpins too.
I've made some unwise trades over facebook recently, but everything has come through luckily (despite no tracking numbers and some scares) but I mean.. if someone isn't on DPF, how/where do you report a bad trader (scammer)?

I'm starting to get more paranoid about the people who are answering my higher-end pinpics requests, and facebook hold no security.. What would you guys do if someone scammed you on a trade that wasn't on DPF?
For the higher-end Pin Pics trades, I second the suggestion to use a third party trade. Yes, you'll pay a little more in shipping, but the piece of mind you'll get for the additional protection (for both you and the other trader) is well worth it. Plus, if the other trader objects to it (and a third party trade is a reasonable request for higher-to-high end trades), that's generally a red flag that something isn't quite right and a strong indicator to walk away from the trade.

But as far as the trader who scammed you (not here), I would contact the moderators/administrators on the site where the scam occurred, maybe they can help. If you were scammed through the mail, the only thing I can suggest is considering filing mail fraud charges. Sometimes even an email saying that if you don't hear from him/her by X date or you'll file mail fraud charges is enough to light the proverbial fire under his/her rear end. However, don't say it unless you mean it, and mail fraud isn't meant to be taken lightly as it can result in jail time for the other party.
I'm dealing with a scammer right now. I sent my pin but he hasn't sent his. 2/20/14 was when I received the request. I just keep sending harassing emails. :(
That's horrible and inexcusable! If this trade was sorted on DPF, please email either myself or another member of DPF Staff and let one of us try to help you.
did you do ythe trade via the new pinpics, if so, copy & paste (or print screen) all conversations. I saw somewhere here that PP doesnt let you into those messages after you complain
As someone who did get scammed, I found that there was little I could do... Mine was through Instagram and it was right when I first started trading through there... they almost immediately deleted their account and all of our conversations so it was pretty tough... they did send me a tracking number so I felt safe sending my pins out and then they clearly just never put the package in the mail. Now, I take screenshots of EVERYTHING and only trade with people that have posted several pin mail photos and have several followers. It's also a gut feeling thing... when you know you know.
Good luck with getting any results thru pinpics. I was scammed for a high end pin thru their new system not too long ago. I contacted them after the appropriate amount of time had passed. Their mods wouldn't even contact me until I posted here, two weeks later after I sent in the complaint. The response was almost immediate, AFTER I posted here. (So, they troll these boards). They proceeded to block all my messages, between the scammer and myself, and did nothing, but say, oh sorry, nothing we can do and berate me for not being more careful.

At least you have your emails from using the old system. Good luck!!
When we do higher end trades we insure the packages. We actually have ended up having to file a claim in one instance as well! If the person did get the pin and claims they didn't it becomes mail fraud and a felony. Make them insure their side as well. I have also used PayPal mailing guarantee when needed. Use the resources you can for your protection. Always use D/C at a minimum, especially when using PayPal. It protect the shipper of the package.
When we do higher end trades we insure the packages. We actually have ended up having to file a claim in one instance as well! If the person did get the pin and claims they didn't it becomes mail fraud and a felony. Make them insure their side as well. I have also used PayPal mailing guarantee when needed. Use the resources you can for your protection. Always use D/C at a minimum, especially when using PayPal. It protect the shipper of the package.

This is good when used in the US. But not useful when shipping out of the US. Unless you want to pay some ungodly fees, for certain services. Some services, for out of the US, are just not available. I don't know if paypal offers coverage/protection out of the US.

But I agree, use all the resources you can, when mailing within your own country.
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I was scammed on FB via someone in France. :( the admin of the page refused to get involved. I still see the guy posting. I refuse to trade Internationally now unless the person is on DPF.

Sorry to see you got scammed. I am having difficulties with a French trader (mine is via Pinpics though) too. Can you pls PM me who your scammer was.
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