Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why!

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Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why!


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Southwest Florida
Why do eBay sellers have a "or best offer" option if whenever you make an offer they only counter like $.50 lower then their asking price! It's irritating!

Buy it now for $150 or best offer...

(pin is only worth(and by saying "worth" I mean what it's recently sold for...) $80)

I offer $80...they come back with $149.50.

It happens ALL THE TIME. :mad:

Sorry. I am out of pain meds, I am hormonal, and just needed to VENT!
I'm actually in agreement with you. I tried an offer for an auction for just $1.98 less than the buy it now and it was automatically rejected. How pointless is that?
Sometimes when I'm cranky I go find auctions that are overoriced by 30 times the original price and offer $1.04 or so. Haven't had one accepted yet.
What if we all just started putting in $1.04 for all the Rapunzel auctions?? LOL Think they might get the hint? And WHY WHY WHY IN GOD's NAME are people paying $300 for the BT pin? Flynn looks so DUMB!!! What is this art quality?? Who approved this garbage!?! People stop paying so much and the prices will drop! Supply and demand 8th grade economics! Okay my venting is over too. <3 How are you dong Stacey? I hope well, my bf had surgery in his abdominal region last summer and it was hell for 2 months I didn't even have a giant hole in me...I hope you are faring better than he did.
And WHY WHY WHY IN GOD's NAME are people paying $300 for the BT pin? Flynn looks so DUMB!!! What is this art quality?? Who approved this garbage!?! People stop paying so much and the prices will drop! Supply and demand 8th grade economics! Okay my venting is over too. <3 How are you dong Stacey? I hope well, my bf had surgery in his abdominal region last summer and it was hell for 2 months I didn't even have a giant hole in me...I hope you are faring better than he did.

I so agree about that artwork ..... but I STILL want one!! hehe
I notice that that happens with specific eBay (big) sellers. I don't understand why some people will put a pin for sale for $170 and when it does not sell it goes back to $300.:confused:
I've had this many times. I've even offered asking price on a high end pin and just asked for free shipping and they say no. Why bother with BO if they aren't going to entertain a BO. However, I've had many where I offered less than half they accepted.

Once, I had a very rude comment with their decline/counter offer which they "counter offered" their BIN price. Rude comments aren't necessary. A comment isn't even necessary. No skin off my back though. Their pin had been listed at that price for a year and my gut tells me it will be there in another year. Whateva!
What if we all just started putting in $1.04 for all the Rapunzel auctions?? LOL Think they might get the hint? And WHY WHY WHY IN GOD's NAME are people paying $300 for the BT pin? Flynn looks so DUMB!!! What is this art quality?? Who approved this garbage!?! People stop paying so much and the prices will drop! Supply and demand 8th grade economics! Okay my venting is over too. <3 How are you dong Stacey? I hope well, my bf had surgery in his abdominal region last summer and it was hell for 2 months I didn't even have a giant hole in me...I hope you are faring better than he did.

It has been a very slow recovery, and I have an appointment with an ortho doctor on friday for my knee....it's gonna be a great year...I can tell.
One time I put in a BO and they counter offered with the same price as it was listed, I thought to myself: THEN WHY DO YOU ADD OBO ON YOUR LISTING!! ahh!
I feel your pain. I've made very reasonable offers only a few dollars less than BIN price and been rejected.
As a seller, I only use the "OBO" technique when I haven't seen enough recent activity to know the true value of an item (not just pins, but anything I sell). It does help.
I actually asked a seller once what the lowest they would consider going was after offering a few times on a pin set that was a little under $200 and being constantly rejected. Anyways, what they said was, "Well, the lowest I usually go is within a dollar or two of my BIN because that what's I usually get when I sell my pins because that's what I want." My mind made a huge blank while reading that, if you are selling a pin for $150 and the lowest you'll go is $148?!?!?!? OBO is pointless!!!!

I think they do that so that people or more enticed to look at the auction knowing that the seller "might" end up being generous, I'm not exactly sure. It blows my mind as well with how stupid it is sometimes.
When I explain why I am offering a lower price, I usually get the pin at the price I offered. However, I have gotten ridiculous counter offers. I've turned a couple down for pins I really wanted because I wasn't willing to pay way over price for a pin. If I really like the pin, I generally offer around 5-10 bucks more than what the pin was last sold for.
What if we all just started putting in $1.04 for all the Rapunzel auctions?? LOL Think they might get the hint? And WHY WHY WHY IN GOD's NAME are people paying $300 for the BT pin? Flynn looks so DUMB!!! What is this art quality?? Who approved this garbage!?! People stop paying so much and the prices will drop! Supply and demand 8th grade economics! Okay my venting is over too. <3 How are you dong Stacey? I hope well, my bf had surgery in his abdominal region last summer and it was hell for 2 months I didn't even have a giant hole in me...I hope you are faring better than he did.

I totally agree with this. People, you need to stop paying these big bucks! :lol:
What's really gets me is when you know what a pin is worth and it's not going up or down. It's consistently gone for $40-50 bucks and it's listed for $300 obo. Why?! I get it if it's new and the market is fluctuating but when it's constantly sold for that for years... Just sell it for that or don't sell at all. That listing has been up for YEARS and no one has or will buy.
I tried to use the best offer feature today and it was automatically rejected. The pin as $22 and I offered $17.50. I was willing to negotiate, but just automatic rejection. Why even have the option if you are only going to go down 50 cents?? I have never won an auction with best offer, when I see them now I just keep looking.
I notice that that happens with specific eBay (big) sellers. I don't understand why some people will put a pin for sale for $170 and when it does not sell it goes back to $300.:confused:

I don't understand this phenomenon either. I will sometimes watch pins, not so much because I'm interested in the pin, or the pin at that price, but more so to see if anyone else is willing to pay that price or if perhaps they made a listing mistake. And sure enough it doesn't sell and they raise the price, it makes no sense. But I have seen people on occasion pay that higher price, so I guess sellers who raise the prices are just hoping that no one saw their previous listing and they're trying to profit off of other's ignorance about the going rate of the pin. I've been watching an auction for a Brave Marquee for months now, it's a British seller and they want 198.99 GBP, which for us Americans is more than $300. When has that Marquee ever sold for $300! In fact it's dropped by about a 1/3 for the most part. Most of them now are going for between 50-60, and some for even less than that, but that seller is still trying to get $313 for that dang pin.
I don't understand this phenomenon either. I will sometimes watch pins, not so much because I'm interested in the pin, or the pin at that price, but more so to see if anyone else is willing to pay that price or if perhaps they made a listing mistake. And sure enough it doesn't sell and they raise the price, it makes no sense. But I have seen people on occasion pay that higher price, so I guess sellers who raise the prices are just hoping that no one saw their previous listing and they're trying to profit off of other's ignorance about the going rate of the pin. I've been watching an auction for a Brave Marquee for months now, it's a British seller and they want 198.99 GBP, which for us Americans is more than $300. When has that Marquee ever sold for $300! In fact it's dropped by about a 1/3 for the most part. Most of them now are going for between 50-60, and some for even less than that, but that seller is still trying to get $313 for that dang pin.

I love the DSF Brave pins listed for 300-400 bucks. They've been on ebay since they were released. It is rather amusing and pathetic. Doesn't it cost money to list pins and then have to relist them? I've never sold anything on ebay but I keep getting emails saying "your first listing is free."
I love the DSF Brave pins listed for 300-400 bucks. They've been on ebay since they were released. It is rather amusing and pathetic. Doesn't it cost money to list pins and then have to relist them? I've never sold anything on ebay but I keep getting emails saying "your first listing is free."

It does cost, but the price only depends on if:

1) You want Ebay to list it for you
2) You want Ebay to start the auction at a different time for you

And even if you do that, the price is like $0.10 each time so you'd have to list it 10 times (given that most BIN's are on for a month) before you even reach a dollar so it only costs $1.20 to keep it up the whole year. So for most sellers it isn't a problem since that dollar can easily be recouped with a sale on anything xP I still find it funny though when they list, as people have mentioned, pins well above what they're worth xP
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