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ZAPPED! wow i received a piratey zap package from lwrn2 ,yay.

ZAPPED! wow i received a piratey zap package from lwrn2 ,yay.


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yay for zappers.i was so surprised to be zapped the other day with an amazing package of wonderful pirates of the caribbean pins from lwrn2,Laura,.she was so kind and she sent me the whole set of five pirate pins,i couldn't believe it.thank you so much for being so wonderfully kind and you truly are amazing,i really appreciate your kindness thank you.
i am just so surprised and happy,thank you ever so much:hsd:.i've given them to my brother ,he loves them.he doesn't have many pins but i give him pins when i can . Laura is very very thoughtful and kind to zap me thank you.she saw me bid in an auction because i tried to get them to give to him because he likes pirates but i couldn't compete with the bidding and she gave them to me :hug: ,she kept it a surprise.
thank you Laura for showing me such amazing kindness and it means such a lot to me thank you.
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