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PIN & POP PIN & POP Site Announcements & Ideas

I am not a fan of your New Pin Preview page.

The current page is more concise, easy to navigate, and has a lot less scrolling.
I appreciate your position. One of the challenges of any design change is that some will inevitably feel like the change is worse... and, depending on how you use the site, the changes could be "worse". We have more features and functionality that we'd like to add over the coming year and, as the pin collecting hobby changes and progresses, we're trying hard to balance how we should introduce the new with staying true to the philosophy and culture that makes pin trading and the pin collecting community awesome.

What is with all the new "Sell" functions on P&P ? Are you going to become Sales Brokers?
Links to Searches on Ebay, Google, Google Lens,..... are all sale ads IMO
Use Ebay "seller research" if you want an approximate market price.
We are focused on providing tools and services for pin collecting. While we think pin trading highlights this the best, we are aware that buying and selling are a core part of collection building. We want to provide a way for collectors to identify pins they would want to sell just like they can identify pins they want to trade (vs. ones they want to keep). I don't think we would ever become sales brokers in the same way that the other sites and facebook groups are... there's plenty of resources out there that cater to the resellers so we don't need to (or want to) duplicate that on P&P.

We have thought about how we could add buying and selling functionality that more supports the collector and maybe gives more power to the buyer. One thing we've thought about testing is a Want To Buy feature where potential buyers could input what price they are willing to pay for a pin. Those that own that pin could then decide if they'd like to sell it at that price. I'm sure it would have it's own pros and cons over the current model but I believe one benefit would be that it would attract more collectors that are willing to "sell off a few pins" to help others complete sets instead of more established resellers that need to hit a certain level of profit.

For me, the singularly striking revelation I've experienced via the P&P Trade Arcades has been the generosity of the community towards each other. If and when we implement buying and selling, it would need be setup in a framework to support that generosity and benefit everyone involved (is this possible?)

Sorry, I am not interested in your My Custom Data section or Log Book function (make them a clickable link)
People entering a price paid are looking to sell a pin at a profit.
Why do I want to know how much I paid for a pin 5 years from now? some went up, some went down. (over-paid crying)
Log Book is one of the features traders and collectors use the most on our site. I get that it's not for everyone, but I'm afraid there may be a riot if I hid that behind another click :)

I just don't see how this adds much to the core mission as a pin trading site.
It's more about a core mission of pin collecting with a focus on pin trading. The interesting thing to me is that most (all?) pin traders are pin collectors and I honestly don't think Disney pins would've ever taken off or sustained their popularity if it wasn't for pin trading. Trading is way to augment and change our collections over time. It is so awesome when people are able to trade for that one pin that finally completes a series they've been working on. And when they're able to help someone else work on a collection at the same time - that's kinda magical. I think providing features and functionality to help collectors build successful collections would be our guiding light... so hopefully that helps make more sense to some of these things.

Please don't get me wrong, I Luv your site as a place where a large group meet, trade, have fun, in a safe environment.
Can't wait for the next Trade Arcade...will tables have a Selling section?
We are extremely grateful and humbled that so many have found value in P&P and continue to show up and make the Trade Arcades amazing. Jenn and I still remember the feeling we had when we found out about and first traded with a cast member while on vacation at Disneyland. It was magical for our whole family. We're just still chasing that and hopefully exposing others a little of that magic throughout the year as well. Thanks again for your feedback ... and no selling section yet :)
My 2 cents opinion...

I am not a fan of your New Pin Preview page.

The current page is more concise, easy to navigate, and has a lot less scrolling.

I use a desktop 85% of the time to visit and a phone for a time-wasting fix.
Adding the new "Stats" section is fine
Why not just replace this "This Pin has 0 Trades." with "This pin has -- Traders in search of "

What is with all the new "Sell" functions on P&P ? Are you going to become Sales Brokers?
Links to Searches on Ebay, Google, Google Lens,..... are all sale ads IMO
Use Ebay "seller research" if you want an approximate market price.

Sorry, I am not interested in your My Custom Data section or Log Book function (make them a clickable link)
People entering a price paid are looking to sell a pin at a profit.
Why do I want to know how much I paid for a pin 5 years from now? some went up, some went down. (over-paid crying)

I just don't see how this adds much to the core mission as a pin trading site.

In closing
Please don't get me wrong, I Luv your site as a place where a large group meet, trade, have fun, in a safe environment.
Can't wait for the next Trade Arcade...will tables have a Selling section?
I agree with this. The current page set is to the point. I use my MacBook for the site the majority of he time. I'll use the Ipad seting up my table come trade time cause there's still that glitch of being able to scroll down on my table set up when doing the table.

I'm ok with the tags at the bottom of the seller page, if a member is a legit pin seller or re-seller, you might want to patronize them.

There's alot of information on the dashboard I don't use, but if others find it all useful- by all means.

I'd like to see ISO's get prioritized in a trade arcade situation. Currently if it's a high priority ISO, you need to grailify it. That tends to dilute the grails won area
We are extremely grateful and humbled that so many have found value in P&P and continue to show up and make the Trade Arcades amazing. Jenn and I still remember the feeling we had when we found out about and first traded with a cast member while on vacation at Disneyland. It was magical for our whole family. We're just still chasing that and hopefully exposing others a little of that magic throughout the year as well. Thanks again for your feedback ... and no selling section yet :)
One of the highlights of my last Disneyland trip, was as we were pulling into the dock on Jungle Cruise, a child's parents asked me for her if she could take a look at my pins.
There was a Tiana one I had gotten off a board in Frontierland, and was going to end up on an upcoming Arcade. I gave that one up for something random she had offered me, but I made that kid's day and the parents couldn't thank me enough.
I think that's what this thing is supposed to be about...
I’ve always said these databases perform 3 functions. 4 if selling becomes a feature.

1. Encyclopedia
2. Inventory
3. Trading platform

So yes, I would riot if inventory features like the Log Book were deprioritized for Trading. :D
Interesting. I never thought of P&P as a database (although it has one of course, as does everything). It’s a pin trading site. So I don’t see #1 or 2 really being their purview. Nice side benefits sure, but everything they built should be supportive of #3 first and foremost. They can sometimes align but when in conflict, the others should take a backseat IMO. It sure how much inventory support is needed for trading. Beyond inventory of traders of course.
Last Trade Arcade there were 279 participants. We know there are thousands of pin collectors. Facebook groups have membership in the tens of thousands. I would guess that Pin & Pop has tons more active accounts than TA participants. It wouldn't be a good business plan to ignore thousands to make the experience better for a few hundred people.
Actually, I would argue the other way around. Revenue comes from people who participate in trading activity so those are the ones most needed to be kept happy. Thousands of people tracking their collections but not trading is of no financial value to the owners of the platform. In fact, it's an expense (additional server needs, etc.) Now, if they started charging just to have an account with them but not trade, I would agree with you that those folks become more important.
VIP memberships provide more than just tables. I would keep my VIP just for the additional pin books and logbook fields. Export too, but my collection is too large. Neither of us knows how many people financially support P&P via VIP but don't do Trade Arcades.

  • Export/Backup your Collection (owns, traders, ISOs, grails)
  • Unlimited private Pin Lists/Books
  • Unlimited Logbook data (access to member-only fields)
  • List 50 pins every month on Trade Arcade
  • Up to 50% Discount on Trade Tokens (trade tokens are an additional fee based on # of trades)
  • No trade minimums (2 trade token minimum for non-members)
  • Select 10 Trade Interest Tags in your account (instead of 3)
  • Access to Pin Trade Stats
  • 2 hour early access to monthly Trade Arcade boards
I wish there was a way I could upload a photo of my actual pin as part of my log book that could be visible during the arcades.
I just got a couple of blind boxes from Loungefly, ended up with some duplicates, but there are some flaws on them. I wish I could upload the photo so the person could see before offering a trade.
When past trade arcades are being setled , I'd like to see some sort of a notification in the dashboard (on the trades won panel) to alert that an. "action required" was available. If any are like me, you'll check your dashboard daily and click on "trades won" and not see any movement. Perhaps an alert would ease some of the angst?
When past trade arcades are being setled , I'd like to see some sort of a notification in the dashboard (on the trades won panel) to alert that an. "action required" was available. If any are like me, you'll check your dashboard daily and click on "trades won" and not see any movement. Perhaps an alert would ease some of the angst?
Daily emails get sent out when trades are in this state. Are you not receiving "Pin Trade Needs Review!" emails?
Is there a way to have your trader pins that are still tied up from previous arcades be marked as Pending and sorted to end of the trading list?
Including traders with trades that have been cancelled but have not been shipped back to the owner yet.
I am noticing I'm getting confused with what I have on hand.
Is there a way to have your trader pins that are still tied up from previous arcades be marked as Pending and sorted to end of the trading list?
Including traders with trades that have been cancelled but have not been shipped back to the owner yet.
I am noticing I'm getting confused with what I have on hand.
Thanks. I seem to have the same problem. There is one pin in particular that is in very high demand for ISO's for members, but it's tied up in another pending trade. Id like to know if I can or can not offer it.
Actually, along those same lines, is there a way to add a Pending banner or flag on the pending trades in our ISO category as well?
I think this is a really great idea... both for your pins in a trade and your ISOs in a trade. I've added it to my list but don't know how easy or quickly I'll be able to get to it, but I know it would be very helpful so hopefully I can get it out in the next couple of trade arcades.
Thinking ahead to the pin slam, I seem to recall there was a way to load a photo of a whole page full of pins and see which are already loaded and which aren’t. How do you do that? Or was I imagining that?
Thinking ahead to the pin slam, I seem to recall there was a way to load a photo of a whole page full of pins and see which are already loaded and which aren’t. How do you do that? Or was I imagining that?
Pinsight image search. It’s the camera icon by the search box at the top of the home page (or your dashboard). It allows you to upload a photo of a pin board and then searches for all the individual pins on the site.

It’s currently still in beta for VIP members only but we will open it up to all members over the weekend of the Pin Slam.