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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0

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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0
Good morning DPF!

I'm in line right now and I have 3 more hours to go! Everyone is lined up outside the store but they don't want to give out vouchers for another 2 hours. Then after thy give out vouchers, it's another hour before thy let people in.

I got in line at 12 am, security told us we couldn't line up because dis ey did t inform the, about this release. We left, came back and 15 people got to line up instead. We could have been first in line, but now we are 20. Sigh.

I hate that they are releasing all of them at once today, but glad because I don't think I can do this every Monday. Too intense.
Update: my DS store handed out vouchers at 7 am and I got all 5!!! And so did 6-7 more people after us in line!! My vouchers all have the number 23 on them so that means they had at least 30 of each doll. So it does look like they are releasing more dolls in store!! Everyone got vouchers for either jasmine or rapunzel so everyone is getting something for staying out here!! How is everyone else doing??
I don't see the problem with a cm buying these first. Employees always have gotten benefits, and dolls are no different.

Yes, but they usually have to follow the same rules, in this case, purchasing it on the same day as the customers, not the night before. I know when I managed a RadioShack and we had Black Friday specials, we could buy them, but only before the store opened that Friday, not the Weds before Thanksgiving as we were going home.
We are bring told that r store only has 13 of some and highest amount is 21. I'm about 30 in line hoping that those in front don't purchase all 5. Can always hope. DS is very organized with 2 store employees and 1 security guard. They r handing out flyers about online release to all of us behind #21 in line.
No dolls for us. :(. They cut the line off about 25 people in front of me. I'm sad that I waited four hours for nothing but I wanted to try. There is always online tomorrow.

Also...I have a Snow White and Belle for trade for any of the newly released dolls. :). I mainly want Rapunzel but will take any of them!

And congrats to all those that successfully obtained the dolls...I completely underestimated this release. I thought it would be crazy..but I never imagined that getting there at 5:15 in the morning would make me 70th in line. I'm kind of glad it's over though...I have been thinking about this day for weeks! LOL
I am number 30 or so in line. There are tons of people. It was chaos. The security manager didn't even know about the dolls....

33 min until ticket release. Get to see if I am blessed with at least one from this store!!-_-
I arrived at oxford street (london) at 430am this morning, there were 3 guys who had been there all eveing into the night. No one else arrived for a good hour and it wasnt till about 6 30 ish when the que started building up! there was propbly about 30 people in line, the store was really well orginsed issuing tickets and with a closed off area for the dolls and a set que line. the manager came out early to talk with everyone in the que telling us the amounts of each doll in stock (being between 23 and 30) but that they had 75 of Rapunzel :shock: everyone in line got at least one doll, and when everyone was inside they still had tickets left for punzel!!
Everyone was really lovely it was a cold but nice morning and im just so pleased my dolls are beautifull, I was even able to check them all over and swap a few that werent perfect!!

Good luck everyone!! hope you get what you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

75 Rapunzel :( I wish ...i dream...... just one :(
I am scared for tomorrow... :( :(
I got to the Disney Store at 5:30am... the line was already around the mall. Who knew that 5:30am would be too late??? There were lots of men in the line who stated that they were not interested in collecting the dolls just there to eventually sell them :rant:

Here's hoping that I'm able to get the dolls online! :)
Merryweather!!!! So happy for you!!!!!

I am glad you were able to get the ones you wanted!!!!



LOL! Were we at the same store? I went at 5:15, I was 14th person in line. I got the 4 dolls I wanted and passed only one I did not want.

Ours was a small and orderly line with friendly people chatting up.
75 Rapunzel :( I wish ...i dream...... just one :(
I am scared for tomorrow... :( :(

Rose i was thinking of you when i saw how many they had, If i had been able i wouldve picked you one up but as it was i needed 2 so i could give one to my little nieace for her birthday in a few weeks. I really hope you get her online tomorow!! shes LE to 6000 so you stand a better chance than you would with the other dolls at least!! wishing you all the best of luck!!!!
I got to the mall at 5:30 and was so far back in the line that I knew I didn't have a chance. The mall had told us that security would not allow people to line up until 6:30 AM, but I talked to some who had been there since midnight and 4:00 AM. Guess I shouldn't be surprised. I didn't get Aurora. If anyone has an extra Aurora and would like a Belle I'm good for a trade. Or I will buy the doll for a resonable price. Congrats to those who got them.

There were a lot of men who you could tell would rather be anywhere else:) but were there with their wife/girlfriend to just help get more dolls. Oh well, such is life.
Merryweather!!!! So happy for you!!!!!

I am glad you were able to get the ones you wanted!!!!



Thanks so much Vicki. I almost did not go after reading some of the posts here, but now I am glad that I went :)

Best of luck to everyone tomorrow.

There were a lot of men who you could tell would rather be anywhere else:) but were there with their wife/girlfriend to just help get more dolls. Oh well, such is life.

My line had at least 2 of those men too. The funny thing is that one of them did not even know the names of the princesses. He was there just because .....
I got to the mall at 5:30 and was so far back in the line that I knew I didn't have a chance. The mall had told us that security would not allow people to line up until 6:30 AM, but I talked to some who had been there since midnight and 4:00 AM. Guess I shouldn't be surprised. I didn't get Aurora. If anyone has an extra Aurora and would like a Belle I'm good for a trade. Or I will buy the doll for a resonable price. Congrats to those who got them.

There were a lot of men who you could tell would rather be anywhere else:) but were there with their wife/girlfriend to just help get more dolls. Oh well, such is life.

Arrived at 5:30 too. Got there later than expected because a migraine decided to hit me in the middle of the night.:squint: Had to wait for the nausea to pass...then when I got there and saw the ridiculous line, knew I had no chance of helping anyone today, so I turned around and went back home. :(

Congrats to everyone who got the dolls they wanted!!! Waiting to hear about everyone else! :x:
Yeah, there were no stores close enough to me and with the way things were, I can't imagine driving through all this traffic, spending the night, etc. just to be told that I could not stand there and then come back when security said too and find that there was already a huge line.

I am too nice and would listen to whoever said to come back and miss out. :-(

I am hoping for something online. :-(


Thanks so much Vicki. I almost did not go after reading some of the posts here, but now I am glad that I went :)

Best of luck to everyone tomorrow.

My line had at least 2 of those men too. The funny thing is that one of them did not even know the names of the princesses. He was there just because .....
got to Rockaway NJ at 6:45 AM . I was number 17 in line . The first seven people in line were men that outwardly bragged that they had been there 2:15 , 3:00 , 4:00 AM , etc and were selling the dolls on ebay . Rockaway barely got any dolls . 7 Sleeping Beauties, 14 Rapunzels, 17 Jasmine's, 8 Poch's and 8 Tiana's . I walked away empty handed and very heart broken . I didn't feel good upon waking this morning . I had a lot of pressure on my chest and was short of breath . I think I cried most of the way home . I know there is always tomorrow, but I'm just too darn tired to try only to find out I got one, but ooops our system crashed and you didn't . The good news, however, my friend called and said, you got a Jasmine . I was like , huh, she said, IDK what happened, but you were number 17 on the list and as far as I'm concerned, she is yours . She paid for her to get her out of the system and since she lives close by, will drop her off in a day or two . So, although I didn't get Rapunzel, I did get Jasmine to match my pin . :wiggle:
Hope others got their wants and Best Of Luck tomorrow !

Oh and speaking of , my paper states 12 PM EST tomorrow online ????
UK report - Queue of 20 and my partner (him being 21) only managed to get Rapunzel who they seemed to overkill on! So no worries getting her people! Person ahead of him got Aurora and Rapunzel. Lots of 'friends' also buying them, and wandering the store to look at merchandise instead of buying their dolls immediately, leaving many angry people demanding they sell the ones 'belonging' to the people who broke the queue! Glad I wasn't there.
well now that said, perhaps I shouldn't be so ticked off at my hubby . We were suppose to be spending the night at the Hilton . He had off or so he told me right up to the weekend . I ended up doing the NJ pin event solo with kids . Only because I was renting a car and going regardless . :lol: But the doll mania broke my heart . we are getting up there in years and when you know a month ahead of time, personal days, seniority and you choose to work . Anyway, back too, I had been pissed if I'd come out of the hotel at 3 AM to be told, I had to leave, go back and find a huge line . Yeah, I'd flip !!! :lol: Although, the 7th guy got there at 5 AM, so it could have, should have, would have, but didn't !!!
Yeah, there were no stores close enough to me and with the way things were, I can't imagine driving through all this traffic, spending the night, etc. just to be told that I could not stand there and then come back when security said too and find that there was already a huge line.

I am too nice and would listen to whoever said to come back and miss out. :-(

I am hoping for something online. :-(

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