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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0

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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0
I think you would be foolish to do that before the online release Rose. Just be patient and have faith PLEASE! Don't feed the sharks.
I think you would be foolish to do that before the online release Rose. Just be patient and have faith PLEASE! Don't feed the sharks.

Obviously i dont pay the seller now. If tomorrow i will have not chance to have her i pay her. Just in that case :) Sorry sometime i make so troubles for the language =)
But isnt "BAD" or "CRAZY" because i think tomorrow all the sites will be crush in FEW MINUTES. But.who knows? :)
Rose valentine, I think your ebay seller is a fake, how can it be 8868 number when the doll is limited to 6000?
And ya know just thinking about it , the first seven people in line got all five . Now wonder how it had worked with my family getting there within those first seven with us buying 2 Rapunzels, 2 Jasmines and 2 Aurora's . Wonder if they had to be sold as sets first before rest was divided . Think I'm waking up here . :lol: after the disappointment set in . And yes Margaret that 2 nd Aurora was yours . :lol: This sucks !!!
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LOL all you people are crazy. All this over dolls and Im surprised people are getting so mad at ebay sellers for getting there first.

In my opinion if you really wanted the doll you would have got there earlier to make sure you got your doll and cause you saw other people before you they automatically must be ebay sellers which I find a little harsh to put that on those people before you in queue just becuase they beat you to it. At the end of they day the system was fair and proper and cause it did not go your way then you must make a scene and be angry.

and to say people took family members who makes them alright and ebay sellers not..same boat for everyone buying multilpe dolls even if it is to help other people out.
All the stories I've read about the release events are unbelievable. Congrats to everyone who got the dolls though! I had a bit of good news, my work schedule got pushed back so hopefully I'll have a little time to use my faster home internet fot the online madness! There are so many on eBay already though, pretty dissapointing :(
I agree Stitch. Everyone had the same opportunities to get the doll. There's no excuse for attacking the re-sellers (especially after warnings that people were there almost a day in advance). Pretty crazy. They deserve it.
LOL! Were we at the same store? I went at 5:15, I was 14th person in line. I got the 4 dolls I wanted and passed only one I did not want.

Ours was a small and orderly line with friendly people chatting up.

Hi there...I think it went well...and I am so glad most people got a doll...I am very happy that I went and I love our area Disney store...
My friend that i was relying on missed out on the dolls her dads car broke down and she had to take him to work she did however manage to get Jasmine but none of the others im pretty upset:( But the lovely COnstance who i will praise managed to get me TIANA sooo yay thanks soooo much but the other 3 i will try to get online i hope everyone else is happy and manages to oget what they wont:D
Super-smooth experience in Toronto. The crowd was a surprise to the mall security, but they did a great job rolling with the surprise event and really took care of everyone. On my side, everything went exactly to plan. I'd done a bunch of phone calls this past week to the Disney Store, fact checking release details, and had scheduled everything out (finding restaurants nearby to burn time at, et cetera).

Me and two friends got into the city around 9 PM, and got sushi until 11 PM. At that point we walked to the Eaton Center (big mall in the heart of the city); scoped the two entrances that were closest to the Disney Store (both were closed at this point); and bumped into some security guards. We explained what was up to the guards, who told us which of the two entryways would open first the next morning, and that it would happen at 5:30 AM. I asked if they were cool with us lining up outside of that entryway, which they graciously approved.

At around 11:30 we set up in a 24 hour diner I'd scouted just across the street - no line of sight to the mall entrance, but I stepped out every hour starting at 12:30 to scope for a line. This "patrol" strategy kept us out of the cold. Nothing at 12:30, nothing at 1:30, but at 2:30 there was one person with a lawn chair. I returned to the diner and suggested to my friends that we move at 3:00 AM, which we did, finding a second person in line. The first person was holding a spot for two more, and the second person was holding a spot for her husband, so that made us numbers 6, 7, and 8. Within about 15 minutes of waiting, we asked the security guards just inside the doors if we could wait inside, and they kindly obliged, letting us in and telling us where to form a line. We were informed we could head through the mall to the Disney Store at 5:30 AM.

This was a brief concern to us, because I'd called earlier and been informed that the DS manager would be onsite at 6 AM. This left a potential half-hour gap in which chaos could be unleashed at 5:30, and none of us there wanted to lose our places in a mad dash for the store. Everybody chatted and made friends, and as more people trickled in to join the line, one of us eventually requested that security escort us in line upstairs at 5:30. They obliged us again when the time came, and while the line broke apart a bit, nobody tried to cut and we all wound up in the original line order. Our group of about 20 people or so was cooperating nicely. The only bump really came when we all got up to the store, and found one person had somehow gotten up there already despite security. o_O It ruffled some feathers, but her arrival time was quickly ascertained, and she was placed into line at position 14 to match her approximate arrival. There was some confusion - it seemed another security guard had let her in, as she had some sort of mobility impediment. It all worked out fine in the end once security took a little time to decide what to do.

A bit before 6 AM, the manager arrived, and we waited until 9 AM for the staff to hand out vouchers. This was a bit of a sticking point, because by the time the vouchers went out, there were 55-60 people in line. A couple dozen people could've been saved alot of time waiting if the vouchers had been distributed earlier, but overall, that's a small detail in what was a really smooth and civil process. The store had 40 of each of the LE 6000 dolls (Rapunzel and Jasmine), and 25 each of the LE 4000 dolls (Aurora, Pocahontas, and Tiana). Most people were buying all five dolls, but a noteworthy number were only buying 2-3.

Purchasing the dolls was smooth once 10 AM arrived, with 10 people at a time being ushered into the store. Everybody QC'd their dolls, with the only really common problem being some sloppy hair styling on alot of the Tianas. We were out of there by about 10:20, and me and my friends got everything we wanted.

All in all, it was surprisingly smooth, and alot of people expressed their thanks both to the DS staff as well as the security guards. Big ups to the Toronto Disney Store staff, and the Toronto Eaton Center security workers, for running things so well!

Believe me if I had my way I had been in a hotel and at the door by 4 AM . Due to circumstances beyond my control, I was not . I still got Jasmine which I was thrilled to find out I had gotten after I got home . It did burn my bridges though that these men bragged outloud how they will be laughing all the way to the bank after selling them . I don't care what they do with their dolls, but don't be so blatantly ignorant, when you know others are there to buy to keep . No one said a word to them, we thought it, but didn't say it .
Did we hit a nerve ?
Congrats to everyone that got their dolls. Reading the posts, some stores had A LOT of dolls. Sadly, my daughter only got one doll, Jasmine. At least she got one. Security handled the situation very poorly and that is why she only got one. She was at the mall at 3a.m. but was told she could not line up until 6:30. Everyone was sent across the street. About an hour later a group of cars pulls in and start lining up so everyone rushed over. Now, instead of number six in line, my daughter is number 20. When security was confronted about the situation, another gaurd said there was nothing he could do, he would not make them leave. To add insult to injury, the people now at the front of the line let their friends cut the line. Again, nothing security could do.

The worst thing, my daughter said there was a woman with a walker that had been waiting all night, because she was told to wait across the street and could not out-run the new crowd, she did not even get a doll. I told my daughter if she were still at the mall she should have just given her the ticket for the Jasmine. But, she had already left the mall.
Congrats again to all the lucky people. Good luck to everyone that will try tomorrow. I am glad this is almost over... I can't take the stress.
I said it once and I'll say it again that I wish that Disney had only just used the generic term "Limited Edition" to describe the dolls and not bother with the "__ of 8000" numbering system. Yes, there would have been people out there buying for reselling only, but I don't think it would have created the weirdness that has erupted since the Ariel/Bell doll releases. Looking at the bigger picture: no one was lining up a day before at the stores when Cinderella and Ariel were originally released... Also, it would have allowed Disney to backpedal and produce more if they felt the need to. Disney backed itself into a corner on this one. But whatever, let the cards lie where they fall... It's out of our hands, isn't it?
LOL all you people are crazy. All this over dolls and Im surprised people are getting so mad at ebay sellers for getting there first.

In my opinion if you really wanted the doll you would have got there earlier to make sure you got your doll and cause you saw other people before you they automatically must be ebay sellers which I find a little harsh to put that on those people before you in queue just becuase they beat you to it. At the end of they day the system was fair and proper and cause it did not go your way then you must make a scene and be angry.

and to say people took family members who makes them alright and ebay sellers not..same boat for everyone buying multilpe dolls even if it is to help other people out.

I agree Stitch. Everyone had the same opportunities to get the doll. There's no excuse for attacking the re-sellers (especially after warnings that people were there almost a day in advance). Pretty crazy. They deserve it.

Hmm, sorry don't agree.

Some of our members here were only one one customer away from getting anything - and were there plenty early enough. If you were on line a long time for something YOU wanted and overhear people in front of you brag about how they are only buying so they can sell them on ebay - you would be frustrated too. Yes, they can do as they wish, but keep it to yourself.

It did burn my bridges though that these men bragged outloud how they will be laughing all the way to the bank after selling them . I don't care what they do with their dolls, but don't be so blatantly ignorant, when you know others are there to buy to keep.

The first person was holding a spot for two more, and the second person was holding a spot for her husband,

Exactly the kind of frustrating thing I mean. There should have been no place holding in lines. First I have heard of that though, hopefully it didn't happen often.

Glad some of you got some dolls though.
In my opinion if you really wanted the doll you would have got there earlier to make sure you got your doll and cause you saw other people before you they automatically must be ebay sellers which I find a little harsh to put that on those people before you in queue just becuase they beat you to it. At the end of they day the system was fair and proper and cause it did not go your way then you must make a scene and be angry.

So exactly how was Moondance supposed to get ahead of the people who claimed they were working and went through an employee entrance to be first in line. Or the poster who followed Security instructions that they had to wait across the street, only for another security person not to enforce that when others showed up?
It was smooth sailing at my store this morning. People apparently started lining up at 12:30 am last night. I arrived at 4:45 and ended up in 15th. We only had one line jumper at 7 when the line moved from outside to store front, but thankfully a few people in line took photos after each new person arrived so she left without incident once she realized this.
I ended up with 2 of the 4 girls I wanted. I was able to get Rapunzel and Jasmine but narrowly missed out on Pocahontas (13) and Aurora (14). Sooo close!

Hopefully I can snag them tomorrow.

Good luck to everyone who missed out today and congrats to everyone who did get their lovelies this morning!
I was at FL Mall (Orlando) around 9:45 AM, just to scope it out (and see if anyone wanted to trade for my previously released dolls).

From what I can tell, it went pretty smoothly. There was one woman causing problems, and the last family to get dolls was angry that they only got one, but other than that, it seemed okay.

It's interesting to note: never, ever believe what staff (mall or store) tell you over the phone. A friend was told there would be NO overnight camping (and that they would be strict with this). However, the earliest to get dolls showed up at 6 PM yesterday and camped out. I would say no one who arrived after midnight last night got dolls. I heard that when they finally gave out cards, about 100 people left. I don't know if there was a problem there or not (I assume anger and disappointment, but I don't know if there were actual confrontations).

30 slots, only 10 or so got all 5 dolls. Seems low for Orlando, to me, when the UK was getting 75ish. I can only assume they want more for online.

I did hear a lot of entitlement talk going on (these are for my kids, I deserve them more, or I drove 100 miles, therefore I deserve them more). Not in so many words, but you could hear the "wah, wah, wah" tone to these statements. Yes, it sucks to have to drive that much. No, it doesn't make you more deserving than those that just HAPPEN to live closer to the store. And my child-free existence doesn't mean I should have to step aside for you. Yes, it's horrible to disappoint your child. No, it won't ruin their lives.
People had gotten to my store at 9:30 last night. I was number 20 in a line by the time I got there at 4:20 am. Security was great at keeping everyone in line. They would escort people to the restrooms to make sure there wasn't any cutting. :)

In the end, I was able to get Rapunzel and Jasmine, the two I was hoping to get! I LOVED IT

Also my friend Weezy was able to get the last rapunzel and a jasmine, too! :D

I didn't get Aurora or Tiana which I wanted, but it's okay because I AM IN LOVE with my Jasmine doll.

After my dreadful Snow White Experience I'm so glad this went so smoothly :)
I was able to get all 5.

My store was very calm, orderly, Disney management there at 0600 if not a smidge earlier. I got to the mall at 0530.

Some people had camped out at one entrance at 2:30. The rest were lined up at other entrance. The first 17 people got all 5 if they wanted them. And then they had an additional 12 Rapunzels and 16 Jasmines. I would say almost everyone who was lined up by 6:15 got at least Jasmine.

This was for the Clackamas, OR store near Portland.

The other Portland store, which is a 'bigger' store, only got 11 sets of the dolls.

I feel very relieved and yet sad that a lot of people didn't get the dolls they wanted. :(
Went to the Brea mall and talked to security around 5 am. Told US they were not allowing line up till 7am and you couldnt park till 630 am. So around 620 i decided (know how this things end up at the disney parks) to just head up and see what people were doing. I drove up in this pretty big parking lot and seen about 10-15 ppl walking from one side of the lot to the front doors. I park and got out and all of a sudden that mob of people dashed to the front door after security said we could line up at 630 (its still on 623). Well there were a few people HIDING in the Bushes and popped out and ran to the front door as well but what changed at the last sec was they wanted to line everyone up in the parking lot and escort use inside right away so everyone who dashed to the doors ended up being at the back of the line and everyone just walking ended up first. For myself i was 14 and my GF was 15 but we only wanted Rapunzel. THey have 13 of the 4k LE and 24 of the 6k LE dolls. Im happy i didnt want all 5 cause it ended with the person in front of me. Just thought i let everyone know what happened at my mall.

On another note, one of the people who jumped out the bushes to get in front was about 21st and started screaming at security about how this is unfair that they were hear before ANYONE else and they deserve to get all 5 dolls. He screamed at the manager and made s big stink the whole 3-4 hours we were in line and even tried cutting in front of the line. Needless to say there were a lot of big guys there with their wives and GFs :) who didnt let that happen.
Went to the Brea mall and talked to security around 5 am. Told US they were not allowing line up till 7am and you couldnt park till 630 am. So around 620 i decided (know how this things end up at the disney parks) to just head up and see what people were doing. I drove up in this pretty big parking lot and seen about 10-15 ppl walking from one side of the lot to the front doors. I park and got out and all of a sudden that mob of people dashed to the front door after security said we could line up at 630 (its still on 623). Well there were a few people HIDING in the Bushes and popped out and ran to the front door as well but what changed at the last sec was they wanted to line everyone up in the parking lot and escort use inside right away so everyone who dashed to the doors ended up being at the back of the line and everyone just walking ended up first. For myself i was 14 and my GF was 15 but we only wanted Rapunzel. THey have 13 of the 4k LE and 24 of the 6k LE dolls. Im happy i didnt want all 5 cause it ended with the person in front of me. Just thought i let everyone know what happened at my mall.

On another note, one of the people who jumped out the bushes to get in front was about 21st and started screaming at security about how this is unfair that they were hear before ANYONE else and they deserve to get all 5 dolls. He screamed at the manager and made s big stink the whole 3-4 hours we were in line and even tried cutting in front of the line. Needless to say there were a lot of big guys there with their wives and GFs :) who didnt let that happen.

I heard at South Coast there were people wearing all black and hiding in the bushes from Security. No idea how that went but dang that's crazy
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