All I Want For X-Mas.....Please Read
Awwww man... you're back!? Dangitt, where's my penicillin?? :naughty:
(For those not in the know... this is an inside joke between Dan & me)
Welcome back!
WoW, do I know that feeling, dan . I was badly raked over the hot coals for what I thought was helping . My husband was so furious, he came home from work and really laid into a few and forbid me to ever come on this forum again . But as you said, there are many including you, that I really missed, so it's been over a month and I pop in from time to time . I'm glad your back .
Since I've been gone, something wonderful happened . Six years ago, I walked away from my boss, best friend and teaching position . Nasty emails were exchanged and we both decided we would remain dead to each other . Long Story Short, we got in touch, had lunch, put our differences behind us and I'm teaching my children again . I've never been happier and I don't care whom likes me here and whom doesn't . It really is there problem and not mine . So, here I am along with you on the forum . Welcome Back Friend !
Wanna trade at D-Land?????