Just had two of the worst online trading experiences ever!

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Just had two of the worst online trading experiences ever!
Yes I too have been contacted by this trader who wants the UP pins, I never got back to him after the second e-mail, when he said the valentine pins were no longer available but asked me to take a look at his traders when I looked at his traders I noticed that he had for trade the same pins he wanted from me which are all UP pins, glad to know that a lot of us are know aware of him.
Bahhaaaa! I know exactly who both of these traders are. The "UP person" and the person that broncobilly is dealing with. So funny how people's trading patterns are so identifiable!
Oh and broncobilly. IF that is the same person, they have a set number of LE pins they will accept for each PTN and I believe tigger is in the 5-6 LE group! They claim they "don't look" at edition size, just as long as they are LE it is fine. It just happens they always pick all my DA LE 100 and DSF 150's and jumbos and then play dumb. ha!!! jeeeeeeez....
OMG! I wanted to pull my hair our just reading that! I would not have been able to make it as far as you did the emails! EEK!! How ridiculously annoying!! It really was like some annoying joke!
Are these traders on DPF? If someone gets a chance will they please send me a pm with these traders names.
Sorry about your experience. I have had some annoying trade requests lately too.
The first one:

eh.....you kind of just have to let that one roll off your back and move on. They have a right to change their mind in what they are willing to accept in a trade prior to an official confirmation. They may have marked the pins off and then when they got the acceptance did a gut check and it just didn't feel right. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. Annoying, yes, but it is their right not to trade if they don't want to. However, they should have at least responded to you saying that they had a change of heart and were no longer interested in trading away their pins for the ones you had offered rather than just resending the trade request.

The second one:

Ridiculous. Sounds like they were trying a bait and switch. Get you excited about getting the pins you want and then trying to change the deal for something in your owns hoping you would do it just because you already had your heart set on getting their pins. I don't think I would have lasted as long as you did. Halfway through I probably would have just stopped responding because I'm not going to waste my time playing games.
The good news here is that you found out the traders were shady before you sent out any pins. Even though you lost your time, at least you didn't have to bother with them not sending their pins or something. It is still a crappy situation either way, knowing that you wanted the pins and that they weren't serious about the trade, but at least nothing else was lost. Hope you get the pins in the future!
The good news here is that you found out the traders were shady before you sent out any pins. Even though you lost your time, at least you didn't have to bother with them not sending their pins or something. It is still a crappy situation either way, knowing that you wanted the pins and that they weren't serious about the trade, but at least nothing else was lost. Hope you get the pins in the future!

Totally agree. So happy you had the common sense to not give them any of your pins or any more of your time than they had already wasted. Communication is a big part of any trade, and can tell a lot about someone, and if they seem like they are giving you the run around, or don't seem to value your time, then there's a big chance they don't care whether or not you get what you are hoping for in the trade. Regardless, so sorry you had to deal with this and I hope some good trades come your way real soon to cancel out the frustration this exchange caused you!
I'm sure it was annoying and puzzling. Perhaps they are mentally challenged (not meant in a mean way). Though, I do see the humor of it. :lol:
HAHA! Turns out after comparing notes on both of the traders Jeff was talking about, they both tried pulling similar things on me. The first one is overseas & agreed to a trade, then tried changing it to me giving him a DSF marquee pin for an OE pin, then when I said NO but that I would still do the original trade we had agreed to, he ignored me. I got a trade request a few days later offering me the OE pin for my DSF marquee but with a different Pinpics name, so I replied back asking if it was the same person & they said yes. So now they not only tried changing pins on me during the trade, but they also changed their pinpics ID name! The second one it seems has been contacting a few people about UP pins & offering trades they arent going to do. I dont believe either one of these two are on this forum, I sure hope not because I dont know what they are trying to do, but its not good.
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