How To Prepare: Piece of Disney Movies - The Lion King

How To Prepare: Piece of Disney Movies - The Lion King
If anyone is blacked out on these days, just go to the Pin trading shop in DTD! I'll be there at 6;)
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everyone is talking about staying outside of some 'gate' what gate is this? to get to lgm. and where do you park?

The gate to Disneyland! Get there early because lines will form. Not all will be pin traders, some will be tourists and have papers to get in and they take forever. If you're one of the first in line then you can get in quicker. They will let you in before park opens so everyone will try to congregate towards Tomorrowland so they can run to LGM when the ropes drop. Other will try to get closer to the rope at westward ho where everyone runs towards the side door by the canon. They are working on that stage by the castle so that little side way in to Frontierland is closed for now so the only way is over the bridge by the fort.
Park in, well the DTD parking lot! its 3 hours free parking. Get to the pin trading shop, EARLY! lines will be there. The shop is right by the monorail station. then just get in line and wait!
what about DTD how does that work? Because I will be blacked out, where do I park and where do I wait?:/
That sounds like a cute idea. I'll probably meet princess Jasmine over by Pin traders( 6 am woooohoooo! ). How are you going to park there since they won't open the structure or anything till later?
LOL yessss! :) I will be standing in line w/ an Aladdin themed lanyard (maybe with a couple other pins on there) and a tacky name card with my forum name on it and my 4 favourite Princesses: Jasmine, Ariel, Mulan and Punzel. Come and find me! :) <3 I will probably bt there by like, 6.30 at the latest <3
The thing is I don't know if I can go next to you in line with out creating drama with the others waiting. I need to plan an outfit. haha
That sounds like a cute idea. I'll probably meet princess Jasmine over by Pin traders( 6 am woooohoooo! ). How are you going to park there since they won't open the structure or anything till later?
I'm taking public transportation so the latest ill get there would be 7. The bag check in place will be able to be passed right?