Questions about New PinPics

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Questions about New PinPics
OOOHHH Mark, I love that idea. You have no idea how many times I trade or buy a pin I already have because I don't remember. That would sure save money for us.
The site looks very cool - although to me it seems like there will be a few extra steps to get to the pages we use most frequently. The home page is now full of information on pin trading and with blogs and articles.

Another very cool feature is that u can now move things around within your owns, wants, and trades - they no longer have to be in numerical order.

Also when u type in a persons pinpics name it takes you to a page that is a profile page (you can even add apicture) and you can click on box - kinda like the link we have here under our names to see your wants/trades matches.
Another very cool feature is that u can now move things around within your owns, wants, and trades - they no longer have to be in numerical order.

OH that would be cool! See, that would work for the feature I was wishing for. I could just put my wants list in descending order of how much I wanted it!
Another very cool feature is that u can now move things around within your owns, wants, and trades - they no longer have to be in numerical order.

This is most awesome, so I can keep "like" items together (series, collections, etc). And yes, so wants can be arranged by priority. Only how long is it going to take me to arrange 7451 pins in the order I want them. :lol:
Oh also I forgot the one feature that from the begining I have been asking for!!! We will now be able to search in persons wants/trades/owns. So If I want to know if they have any Dumbo's for trade I can search just for that in their traders :0) Or if I cant remember if I own a particular pin I can now search for it quickly! :0)
What's the name of the Vinyl app? I am the one working with Disney to try and get permission to publish and app I have already developed. It's been a year long saga so far. Pinpics also wants to do an app from what I've been told.

That is funny, as I know there was talk about someone here trying to do an app as well, but the reason it is funny as I just got a Kindle Fire last month and was searching for different Disney apps, and got a free one for park hours, etc, and then found a $.99 app to keep track of your vinylmations!

I just looked for the app and if I can mention it? its called "Mouse Vault". That is funny because the two individuals that I spoke to, Apple App people would not allow Disney trademark items with Disney not involved in the App???

Somehow my grandma on her iphone got the pin pics to be an app on her screen. No joke it is crazy

Have tried and searched but the only thing i can come up with is making a bookmark "Add to Home Screen" and Pinpics web site comes up in Safari.
There's been several times that "moderator" has sent me an e-mail regarding my comments I've made on PinPics. Needless to say, they ended up erasing my comments.

I think you are misinterpreting what was said. You know how there is a way to see all the members trading a pin or wanting a pin? People have been asking for that same utility to see people who own this pin. That is what is not happening. You still won't see a note on the pin saying "347 people own this pin." Your own personal inventory of owns is not going away.

Now, I have a question. Does anyone know if there will be any ability to "tag" a pin? A lot of times when people add pins they don't list pertinent info, like listing all the characters on a pin, the movies represented, park it's from, etc. The last time I went through and commented on a bunch of stuff I was having problems coming up in search, it was all erased and I got a nasty gram about creating work for the moderators. I was hoping that with a revamped sites, there would be an easy way to add stuff like that without having to go through moderators. Plus, with the comments being moderated now, it seems like it would be easier for moderators to NOT add that info if they think it's too much busy work.
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