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ZAPPED! Little Sister Zapped Again :)

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ZAPPED! Little Sister Zapped Again :)


DPF Charter Member
DPF Charter Member
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United States
I really don't know what we do to deserve amazing people sharing their joy with us, but I genuinely appreciate it and it always just blows me away. Rachel (Mickeymousje) found out that my little sister needed the Jasmine crest, and out of the kindness of her heart she wanted to zap my little sister with it. She was so excited when she received it Rachel, and I even got to show her on the world map where the package came from :) Acts like these just restore my faith in pin collectors. To send a pin and to pay the international shipping is just beyond generous. Rachel, this will not be forgotten and I don't know when or with what, but I will get you back ;)
I really don't know what we do to deserve amazing people sharing their joy with us, but I genuinely appreciate it and it always just blows me away. Rachel (Mickeymousje) found out that my little sister needed the Jasmine crest, and out of the kindness of her heart she wanted to zap my little sister with it. She was so excited when she received it Rachel, and I even got to show her on the world map where the package came from :) Acts like these just restore my faith in pin collectors. To send a pin and to pay the international shipping is just beyond generous. Rachel, this will not be forgotten and I don't know when or with what, but I will get you back ;)

I just get tears in my eyes from your kind message, I'm so happy that I could send your little sister this pin. You so deserved it.
So nice that's she's so happy with it, big hug for you 2 :)
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