DSF January Pins!
I remember back when they showed Beauty and the Beast at the El Capitan, these two pins were released but weren't shown on the pin flyer for September. Although they aren't classified as surprise pins, they kinda were a surprise. So maybe we will see an Aladdin "surprise" marquee and a few other pins
Can you imagine a Tangled Beloved tales pin???!!! I would go insane with want! :drool:
I'm honestly nervous for the day O___O I do hope they make a Wreck-It-Ralph BT pin that somehow includes Sugar Rush and if they do, I really hope it doesn't come out when a possible Tangled BT pin comes out, because that pin will go like hotcakes -__-
Yep, it will be complete chaos! I'm thinking lantern scene or kingdom dance with Flynn and Rapunzel when they dance.I need someone to agree NOW to get me one whenever it does come out!!
:x: Why do I live so far away from both parks? :facepalm: I haven't seen Wreck it Ralph, but I think a sugar rush BT would look really nice.