I'm very sorry to hear about this issue. Nobody has a right to attack you or any other forum member, especially on such a personal level. The person who is doing this is a coward, and stooped low enough to begin pestering other forum members. I've never heard anything negative about you or your pin practices, and I've purchased and sold to DPF members on eBay as well. This is a tight knit community and people here are willing to stand up for other members. It's a wonderful thing to see.
I will say this however. When other members start to pester the person causing this issue (one or two messages back and forth is ok, but once they stop responding to you or you flood their inbox) then you need to realize that you are stooping down to their level and can cause more issues. I understand that you want to stand up for one another but hassling another member (be they a troll or even if they deserve it) is not the right thing to do. Please try to control your tempers and lets be civil. That is why many threads turn into shouting matches and people end up butt hurt. Issues should be resolved with the help of a moderator.
Again, I am very sorry for the stress this has caused you. And you, the person being a jerk, yeah you, you know who I'm talking to... Stop being a butthead!
This post had the word "butt" in it twice. I am proud of myself.