To everyone I apologise
Yep this is pin related, I promised to help an individual who was going to zap many of us with the new carousel slider pins, It was such a wonderful gesture and I was so moved by the kindness of this forum member I wanted to help her and buy some to donate to her cause so she may zap many more.
I wanted to help an idividual who was helping a young girl going through chemo, I offered my DLRP booster set so she may be cheered up after loosing her beautiful blond hair, I am supposed to ship them and hope they get there in time.
I want to zap a couple members but the pins are just sittng here
I have a pin auction I won just sitting here, I need to mail
I owe $$ to a member who was so kind to allow me to do pin layaway and I couldn't make my payment last friday.
I promised a gift to a forum members granddaughter and I can't buy the materials to finish it
and the gift to my friend Dawny too, I need to buy material for hers too.
Why??? because I was lied too, personal issues, and forced to to pay out a lot of money I should'nt have had too, and now I am broke, so broke I can't mail out anything, Im sitting here wondering if the cable will be shut off or not. I just want Friday the 15th to come ASAP so I can right everything that is wrong. and I am so so so sorry to everyone that has been affected by this, and I am mostly saddened because all I wanted to do is help that member and buy some of the slider carousels to help her, that one hurts the most, please forgive me, I am very ashamed right now and totally embarrased im at the point where I am in tears over this, all I ever want to do is help, and it always seems something happens to knock me down, Please forgive me. I am truly sorry and no words can express this enough.
:facepalm: :cry:
I wanted to help an idividual who was helping a young girl going through chemo, I offered my DLRP booster set so she may be cheered up after loosing her beautiful blond hair, I am supposed to ship them and hope they get there in time.
I want to zap a couple members but the pins are just sittng here
I have a pin auction I won just sitting here, I need to mail
I owe $$ to a member who was so kind to allow me to do pin layaway and I couldn't make my payment last friday.
I promised a gift to a forum members granddaughter and I can't buy the materials to finish it
and the gift to my friend Dawny too, I need to buy material for hers too.
Why??? because I was lied too, personal issues, and forced to to pay out a lot of money I should'nt have had too, and now I am broke, so broke I can't mail out anything, Im sitting here wondering if the cable will be shut off or not. I just want Friday the 15th to come ASAP so I can right everything that is wrong. and I am so so so sorry to everyone that has been affected by this, and I am mostly saddened because all I wanted to do is help that member and buy some of the slider carousels to help her, that one hurts the most, please forgive me, I am very ashamed right now and totally embarrased im at the point where I am in tears over this, all I ever want to do is help, and it always seems something happens to knock me down, Please forgive me. I am truly sorry and no words can express this enough.