Princess Carousel Release DLR

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What time are you getting there?

My friend Aquata is going for us :) Not sure when she's going... I can't get to DTD until 11am and that's when I plan to meet her.

P.S. Omggggg u have so many wonderful pins!! I have to find stuff to trade w/ u again soon! ;3 :D lol
Are these pins similar to the crests that came out?
If that's the case I'm gonna wait till there like 5 bucks
on eBay haha I don't think these are les....

Marisa they are kinda like the jim shore carousel pins.... but not nearly as nice, are LR (not LE), and actually move up and down.

Right now it's hard to say if they'll crash like they princess crests did... alot of people currently want these carousels....
Are these pins similar to the crests that came out?
If that's the case I'm gonna wait till there like 5 bucks
on eBay haha I don't think these are les....

The crests were open edition mystery sets and they are still available. These carousels are limited release, like the family portrait set from last year.

Silly Marisa :)
Wait what...? 50, 50 and 50 is 150....??
yeah I know! like I said. Two others and myself all called and a CM told us ALL that we and WDW were going to split 300 150 for us 150 for Florida and NO FLIPPIN RESTOCK! What mess is this!
Im sorry if this has already been asked - what day will this be released?
Thursday the 14th, doll
Joey are you going? Wait so are people seriously thinking of camping out? Haha
was the "Haha" really necessary? It really makes you come of as condescending and judgmental towards the people who do decide their time is worth these pins. Sure there margin for profit most wont be enough to make it worth it to someone like you but some of these people have been looking forward to these for some time now. I myself cannot make it Wednesday or Thursday
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Thursday the 14th, doll was the "Haha" really necessary? It really makes you come of as condescending and judgmental towards the people who do decide their time is worth these pins. Sure there margin for profit most wont be enough to make it worth it to someone like you but some of these people have been looking forward to these for some time now. I myself cannot make it Wednesday or Thursday

I'm only going to say this once and then I'll shut my trap bc it's not any of my business: Honestly can give it a rest w/ speaking to Marisa like that? If u have an issue w/ her fine that is ur beef w/ her and her only. Take it up w/ her in person or via PM, as mentioned in the past. It's become really annoying how u poke bears/start fires and then run away/poke some more. And if u had an issue with what I just said u can PM me and we'll discuss what issues u have with me. Thanks and have a great evening.
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I hope I will be able to get these... I want all of them, but sadly I can't take time off work and we might not be going to the Pin Trading Night on Friday. :(
yeah I know! like I said. Two others and myself all called and a CM told us ALL that we and WDW were going to split 300 150 for us 150 for Florida and NO FLIPPIN RESTOCK! What mess is this!

That's only 600 pins there is defiantly some miscommunication somewhere - maybe they mean trays (10 boxes per tray)
Hmm...I'm leaving Fresno early in the morning. Hope I get a few, but I probably won't. Meh. At least I don't like princesses. They can't shoot lasers.
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