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Kevin is sold out and there is no more ptd for now

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You guys need that small print disclaimer, when making stuff up. The people not in on the playful banter tend to take the comments seriously. :p
I was hoping you'd say LM... Oh well I guess I can keep wishing and hoping!! :sigh:

There will be a LM PTD...but it's a special version with Sardine Ice Cream and Fish sprinkles :lol:
I'm curious how many people actually eat the Sundae? or do many blow it off & just pay & get the PTD pin?
Psychic Pixie? :)

Psychic, Psychotic... veeeeery similar words. :)

There will be a LM PTD...but it's a special version with Sardine Ice Cream and Fish sprinkles :lol:

yum fish ice cream.

I'm curious how many people actually eat the Sundae? or do many blow it off & just pay & get the PTD pin?

We actually do. But when we go, My 4 yr old gets a sundae, my hubby gets a sundae and I get a sundae.... we do sometimes get a couple extra's without the ice cream. However, you try going to an ice cream shop with a 4yr old and NOT eating the ice cream. lol
I'm curious how many people actually eat the Sundae? or do many blow it off & just pay & get the PTD pin?

I say if you can buy 2, you probably only get 1 ice cream. 50% take it to go, 50% eat it on the fly. Most dont' finish it and throw some away. We get our extra to go and take it home and pawn it off on visitors but it sometimes melts if traffic is bad.

Also, there are no more PTD's until they post it on facebook. They wont' sell us the Tinker Bell fairies. They won't put them in the $5 bin either, they said it's the first time in a long while they actuall had no LE pins on the racks for out of towners so they are keeping the fairies to stock the rack for those people. I told them to make some LE5000 rack pins like Cheshire, Jack, Jessica, Princesses, Stitch, Tink, etc. Just to have a LE but the size is so large all the flippers won't have to buy a billion everytime.
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Just depends on my mood... I try and get the sundae most times but especially with recent turn around rates of PTDs... um... well... THAT'S TOO MUCH FREAKIN' ICE CREAM! I can't eat that much!! D:
oh!! PS: I didnt put Maximus PTD because having owned horses, my head cannot wrap around a horse eating ice cream. no way to hold the cone/cup/spoon.

however, i did have a dream last night of Crickie and Mushu eating ice cream.
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oh!! PS: I didnt put Maximus PTD because having owned horses, my head cannot wrap around a horse eating ice cream. no way to hold the cone/cup/spoon.

It can be a PTD featuring Maximus with Rapunzel on his back with Jessica petting him and Russell feeding him ice cream as Merida brushes his tail xD
It can be a PTD featuring Maximus with Rapunzel on his back with Jessica petting him and Russell feeding him ice cream as Merida brushes his tail xD

you forgot Dug.....

So Punzel on his back eating, Jessica petting his nose, russell feeding max icecream, merida brushing his tail and dug sitting next to Russell, tail wagging (a DSf first, moving element on a PTD )
oh!! PS: I didnt put Maximus PTD because having owned horses, my head cannot wrap around a horse eating ice cream. no way to hold the cone/cup/spoon.

however, i did have a dream last night of Crickie and Mushu eating ice cream.

Is it stereotyping if I suggest they are eating the DSF Green Tea ice cream in their pin? I mean, DSF got that ice cream just for Mulan, but not because Mulan is marketed to Asian demographics and DSF thought green tea would be a good fit for them, no no, not that.
you forgot Dug.....

So Punzel on his back eating, Jessica petting his nose, russell feeding max icecream, merida brushing his tail and dug sitting next to Russell, tail wagging (a DSf first, moving element on a PTD )

Why not add Carl and Ellie as a young couple in the background cuddling under a tree? xD
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