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2013 Fairytale Designer Collection

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2013 Fairytale Designer Collection
I don't know if Merida would ever suit the designer line. We all saw how butt hurt the world got over her baring her shoulders and wearing a bit of eyeliner.

I'd imagine they want to give all the collectors a chance to own the popular designer princesses after the debacle with the first line. It's a cute way to bring them back, as half of a couple. However, I probably wouldn't be this happy about it if I had the first series.
I can't remember if I already mentioned it or whether it was just a thought in my head, but wouldn't it be fun if Disney released a surprise standalone Designer Merida to add to the single Designer Princess lineup? ^_^ If they did I just hope they don't over glamourise her!
I don't think the "Designer" title would fit Merida's personality anyway, which is clearly obvious. The whole point in her creation was the deviation away from the typical princess stereotypes. There is no purpose for her to be included in the Designer line.
That's a fair point but isn't that almost the same thing as saying that she should not be included in the Disney Princess line up due to her glaring differences to the other princesses?

I do think Merida is a great character and I love that she is strong willed but I just worry that The steps Disney are taking is slowly making Merida a less likeable or marketed princess just like some of the others already in the line.

Anyway do we happen go know when these will be going out for preorder? The Facebook announcement said it would be in July? I was thinking it would have been during the expo just like it had been with the princesses but do you think they will open up preorders online in July as well? Just like they did with the villains last? I'm still surprised there has been no announcement, statement or imagines released by Disney yet. They really must be keeping it all on the down low, before we know it they might just do a surprise release of the preorders, maybe this is a way for them to stay one step ahead of potential scalpers?

was it around this time last year that they announced the villains?
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That's a fair point but isn't that almost the same thing as saying that she should not be included in the Disney Princess line up due to her glaring differences to the other princesses?

I am not saying that at all. What I am saying, is that her ideals and values differ from the princesses, so in my opinion, she should not be included in a doll line that focuses mainly on fashionable attire/looks, as it goes completely against the whole ideas around her. Having the character with lesser typical princess characteristics doesn't mean she should not be a part of their official lineup; just not part of the "Designer" collection as she doesn't necessarily fit into that specific recreation.

Tired of people saying that Merida doesn't like wearing girly clothes... She just didn't like how tight the dress was. You wouldn't want to be in a dress that tight, would you?
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RIGHT? I've always seen her as a mentally tomboy daddy's little girl.

In all honesty, I feel that when it comes to her (and every other character's) *official* image, it really does matter. When it comes to their common merchandise, it should be expected that there would be some variances. But when it comes to special and limited merchandise, I say all is fair in buy and sell.
How does anyone think these designer sets will be released? Will it be once a week like they did with designer villains, or will they release them all at once? Do you think they will also provide a package deal where u can purchase all the sets at one time?
How does anyone think these designer sets will be released? Will it be once a week like they did with designer villains, or will they release them all at once? Do you think they will also provide a package deal where u can purchase all the sets at one time?

I really hope it's one a week, I just cannot fathom affording them all at once! Also if they release them all at once, it will become a nightmare!
Hey, there is a new picture of the limited edition Ariel 17 in. doll on The Limited Edition Dolls Facebook page. I am not sure if someone has mentioned this already. She's pretty, but I am not sure about her massive scales on her tail.
How does anyone think these designer sets will be released? Will it be once a week like they did with designer villains, or will they release them all at once? Do you think they will also provide a package deal where u can purchase all the sets at one time?

IMO, it's likely they will offer a pre-order option for the whole set in advance.

With the individual couples, I do think they will have to release them once a week. They would get too many complaints from people who want them all but can't afford them all at once if they did it all in one fell swoop. Plus that scenario creates one big sale (and crowd) at the stores, as opposed to more spread out. The last time they did more than one at a time did not go so hot... Dollmageddon, anyone? :lol:

One a week gives them time to adjust their release plan if crowds become an issue again.
Do you think the preorders of the entire set will be available online? Or only through the D23 expo? Because if I am not mistaken last year the villains were available online because there was no expo but then the year before that the princesses could only be preordered at the expo? Is that right? I wonder if they will mix it up this year to be fair, so have some on preorder online (for those that cannot go) and some on preorder at the expo.

Also the preorders for these have always been of the entire set only so I am assuming this will be the same case this year as well.
qI am trying to convince myself I want at least one set when I realize all of them are gonna entice me. I plan on doing Ariel's little to no doubt and Rapunzel probably, maybe Snow White, probably not Belle and for Aladdin and Jasmine, it would depend. I honestly wanted Jasmine and Aladdin only but now my mind has been changed LOL. If only they would give away the pictures already.
Unfortunately no, at least not that I am aware of. I am hoping Disney will do a sneak peek or notice soon which I am hoping will pop up as news in the D23 expo site? Assuming that they are going to be revealed during the expo.
So how does everyone feel, will it be crazy trying to get the dolls this year? I was prepped last year, somewhat, but the larger edition sizes made it a very pleasant experience. I suppose this will depend somewhat on edition sizes as well, but princesses are always motivated sellers.
IMO, it's likely they will offer a pre-order option for the whole set in advance.

With the individual couples, I do think they will have to release them once a week. They would get too many complaints from people who want them all but can't afford them all at once if they did it all in one fell swoop. Plus that scenario creates one big sale (and crowd) at the stores, as opposed to more spread out. The last time they did more than one at a time did not go so hot... Dollmageddon, anyone? :lol:

One a week gives them time to adjust their release plan if crowds become an issue again.

DOLLMAGEDDON. I will never forget that! That was awful. There is only one Disney Store in my state, and that's at the Mall of America. I went there at 5am, and there were already 20 people in line. None of the employee's regulated the line at all, and also a bunch of them were groups. MOA Disney Store only got 51 dolls or something, the first five people walked out with almost ALL of the dolls. Me being 17th in line, got the last one in the store. It was awful, once tickets were handed out the people up front started selling them to the people in the line. I wish they would have revoked them!
Irony the first five people in line got most of the final five dolls. That situation really sucks though especially there are 51 dolls and I don't see how they could get away with selling the tickets like geez, people treated it like it was life and death situation.
DOLLMAGEDDON. I will never forget that! That was awful. There is only one Disney Store in my state, and that's at the Mall of America. I went there at 5am, and there were already 20 people in line. None of the employee's regulated the line at all, and also a bunch of them were groups. MOA Disney Store only got 51 dolls or something, the first five people walked out with almost ALL of the dolls. Me being 17th in line, got the last one in the store. It was awful, once tickets were handed out the people up front started selling them to the people in the line. I wish they would have revoked them!

There's more than one store in my state, but only one within 4 hours of me. Like you, I got there in the wee hours, and there were a lot of people there already. We lined up at the door mall security told everyone to use, but, surprise surprise, another group formed at another door that opened first, and a small fight broke out amongst some of the crazies, and so it went. I would have gotten at least one doll if not for the other door opening first. As it was, I walked away that day with nothing. Then proceeded to fight it out with that insane website debacle the next day. I was extremely fortunate though in that I was able to get them all online after much trying.

I never, ever want to be in that situation again over a doll or anything collectible. A little collecting stress, I can handle. Stress to the point where I am yelling at my computer and my blood pressure is shooting through the roof, and where I am fearful for my physical safety at the store? No thank you!

I hope they keep the random drawing plan for this release, no matter what demand ends up being. That makes for a safer situation for everyone.
I believe the princesses were released for preorder only at the D23 expo. But you were able to buy the silver D23 Cinderella and the pins. The they were gradually releases one by one each week starting in August? But then due to the issue with demand they released the final five all at the same time durin the 6th week of releases. In the villains case because there was no expo that year they just released the dolls for preorder online, I believe sometime in July.
A tribute to my favorite video on Youtube, so we all remember the horror:


(I think this was made by ImNotBad? Truly a masterpiece, my friend. I laughed so hard I cried).

Polaris is correct, the dolls were originally released for preorder as a set, and only as a set, at the D23 expo. You couldn't take them home then though, from my understanding. They were shipped to you as a lot together on the last week of the dolls' release. I dunno, I wasn't there lol.
I try not to think about the release of those dolls. It was a nightmare. I hope the couples are like the villains in their "easy to get-ness".
How do we even know the date they will be on Disney store? Do they announce at d23? Did they announce when they did the pins?
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