2013 Fairytale Designer Collection

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2013 Fairytale Designer Collection
I saw a tweet from Stitch Kingdom that said, "Expect the @DisneyStore Fairytale Designer Collection doll sets to be limited to 6,000 pieces worldwide each." I'm afraid that we might be in for another frenzy even with the higher price tag. I was really hoping the edition size would be closer to 10,000.
It just says "expect", so this is all speculation at this point. I personally doubt Disney would go THAT low on the edition size.

I'm sure there'll be a pandemic of panic now...
Stitch Kingdom is right about 90% of the time though. I honestly think it is a good move. The DV collection was way, way, WAY too large. LE dolls should not sit for a half of a year. True, 6,000 may be a TAD too low, but it is right in the middle of the Designer Collection, where the demand was at a good place. The dolls did not sit for more than two days, but they didn't crash the website like the 4,000 + a few 6,000 did. I think they are aiming for Mulan's sell-out rate.
Honestly if it is true, it doesn't surprise me that much- maybe they're predicting that these might not be as popular because of the higher price tag and the inclusion of the guys. Like some other collectors have said, to some people who already have the original DP line this series might not be as appealing. With the Designer Villains being popular but by far not as much as the princesses, maybe they thought 6000 was a good medium. From a consumer standpoint though, I think 8000 would have been a perfect balance.
I had this thought in my head for a while. The funny thing is considering that it was a rather provocative line in terms of characters and fashions, I would have loved to see a plus sized model Ursula and Queen of Hearts of that matter. When you think about it, the Designer Villains would have been shoo-ins for D23 exclusives. Maleficent as the dragon but somehow humanified, the Evil Queen and Gothel as hags, Ursula and QOH as fatties and even Cruella in spots. Dragons, Biddies, Tubbies and Spots oh my!
Honestly if it is true, it doesn't surprise me that much- maybe they're predicting that these might not be as popular because of the higher price tag and the inclusion of the guys. Like some other collectors have said, to some people who already have the original DP line this series might not be as appealing. With the Designer Villains being popular but by far not as much as the princesses, maybe they thought 6000 was a good medium. From a consumer standpoint though, I think 8000 would have been a perfect balance.

I totally agree with you. The higher price point will most likely be a deterrent for the casual buyer to want to get the whole set. I haven't seen as much fervor for that; more like people saying that they will get their top two or three couples only. I also agree that a LE 8000 would be a smarter choice than LE 6000, given that the original Designer Princess dolls with LE 6000 sold out in a matter of hours or less. It will be interesting to see what is true and how this unfolds. The lithograph set cover indicates a LE size of 5000, which is far more than either of the previous Designer Collections' lithograph sets.
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If the dolls look good, I'm thinking with an LE size of 6000 might make them tough to get. I was around during the princesses dolls, and once word got out about them, snow white (who was LE 6000), sold out in matters of seconds. And $650 is a lot, but pretty much in line with the last two complete sets. The only reason the villains didn't do this, is that 13000 is A LOT of dolls. If they were LE 6000, they might have been tougher to get. IMO.
Do you think this collection will sell faster than the 17" LE dolls do? What with a bigger price tag and edition size, is there a bigger demand for them compared to the LEs? I missed the Princesses collection, and chose not to get the villains so I don't know how 'mad' it will be for these dolls. I wonder (sorry if this has already been mentioned, I admittedly haven't read the whole thread) if they will have releases like the villains- different couple every week rather than all at once. I'm interested in Ariel, Jasmine & Snow, I wonder how fast they'll go.
In the past they have always released a new doll every week. It was only with the final five disney princesses that they released them all at the same time due to the issues that people had trying to purchase the first five.

I read somewhere on here that they were going to release on set every other week. I think that was information from stitch kingdom which means it has a high chance of being credible but until we hear something official from Disney it could change. Same thing goes with the edition size, whilst I think that stitch kingdom is a very credible source and has always been on the mark I am sorta hoping that maybe the edition size may change or be different? It would be nice if it was a little higher as I fear that if there are only 6000 that we would have another dollmageddon fiasco similar to that of the designer princesses. I still find it odd that they would have 5000 lithos for a doll set with only 6000 in the line but who knows it could be something new disney is trying.

Only a few more weeks to go though. Hopefully we hear something more soon. By the way people have been saying that the collection will be up for preorder online, has that been confirmed? If so do we know when they will be up for preorder? I am assuming it would be after the expo as I would expect that since they will be unveiling it during the expo they would not release it online before then?
In the past they have always released a new doll every week. It was only with the final five disney princesses that they released them all at the same time due to the issues that people had trying to purchase the first five.

I read somewhere on here that they were going to release on set every other week. I think that was information from stitch kingdom which means it has a high chance of being credible but until we hear something official from Disney it could change. Same thing goes with the edition size, whilst I think that stitch kingdom is a very credible source and has always been on the mark I am sorta hoping that maybe the edition size may change or be different? It would be nice if it was a little higher as I fear that if there are only 6000 that we would have another dollmageddon fiasco similar to that of the designer princesses. I still find it odd that they would have 5000 lithos for a doll set with only 6000 in the line but who knows it could be something new disney is trying.

Only a few more weeks to go though. Hopefully we hear something more soon. By the way people have been saying that the collection will be up for preorder online, has that been confirmed? If so do we know when they will be up for preorder? I am assuming it would be after the expo as I would expect that since they will be unveiling it during the expo they would not release it online before then?

I mentioned the every other week system of selling. :) Double(more like triple now)- checked today, and that for sure is a constant for the couple sets this year. The local manager was told not to go on vacation around that time for that very reason. Perhaps someone else mentioned this earlier as well? Also, she had no further news as to what else in terms of merch (cups, journals, etc.) will come with this set. However, I think we on this board know the journals are pretty much a given, seeing as we saw a promo pic of one earlier. ;)
You could always try and buy the dolls first as the merchandise is generally not limited. Also the other merchandise tends to come out before the dolls do so you could get them first so that when the dolls are released you can just focus on getting them.
I can't wait for these! I'm so excited! I missed out on all the Designer Princesses, but I'm afraid it will be another fiasco like that! I can't wait to see actually images of the dolls! :)
I need to get saving! So excited! Shame no aurora & Phillip! I deffo want Ariel and I planned on getting Rapunzel just the too, but now I'm really liking Snow! Not usually a fan but I love her hair:) keen to see what the beast will will look like x
I love the Belle Tshirt but disney's sizes are always so small. Fingers crossed for a plus size version too.
When are we guessing these would be up for preorder in the Uk? And do you think their will be a way to preorder the set? What do you think these will cost in the Uk or as a set? Who do you think will be the best seller and least popular? I had planned on just Ariel and Rapunzel but I'm really liking the art for Snow! X
Based on the last expo does anyone know if you have to be a D23 member in order to preorder the doll set during the expo? Or was it open to the general public?

I know it will probably have changed this year compared to the last expo but it would be good to get an idea.
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And another question for D23 people when you went and purchased dolls/ items strictly for d23 did you have to bring out some sort of card for it? I signed up for the free d23 membership it gave me a coad- just not some sort of card that apparently some members have.
If you were there and in the event, you were able to preorder it. The same was true for the D23 exclusive Cindy. I don't think they'd change it this year and require you to be member.
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