What Is YOUR Most Wanted Pins???
Oh man, that is a fantastic pin!!! I love that so much!!! I hope you get it soon! :x:
yeah I've never seen it on ebay and it's one of those where nobody is trading it....
Oh man, that is a fantastic pin!!! I love that so much!!! I hope you get it soon! :x:
yeah I've never seen it on ebay and it's one of those where nobody is trading it....
Pin 57574: DisneyShopping.com - Jessica Rabbit Costume Series (Alice in Wonderland)
This. Forever.
I nearly achieved it this week, then:
My most wanted is 80135:
I nearly achieved it this week, then:
RECEIVED WITHOUT CONTENTS. Torn from poorly packed envelope by sorting machine. Let me know if you know where to get another one of these.
Considering I just received my most wanted pin a few days ago, the next 2 move up in line...well...kind of. My most wanted pin out of them all at the moment is:
Pin 48503: Disney Auctions - Stitch Invasion Set (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
But that pin is nearly impossible to find so I don't even try lol
However, at the moment my top 2 most wanted pins that I can think I can find (since I can't decide which one I like better) are:
Pin 64451: DisneyShopping.com - Stained Glass Prince & Princess (Belle and Prince)
Pin 50006: DisneyShopping.com - Jessica Rabbit as Cat Burglar
Wow, that amazes me that you have not posted on here before today, lol! I am glad you did! That is such an awesome pin!
Its been great to look back at my previous post on this thread, which was over a year ago, to see that I actually managed to get over half of what I then considered to be my most wanted. Now, its definitely those pins in my sig and most of them earnt their place there because nobody is trading them on Pinpics But where would the fun be in pins if we had all of what we wanted all the time!